Joy in God's Sovereignty

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:12-20

Paul's imprisonment meant that the legal status of the church was at stake. Aside from the unique role Paul played, he was undergoing enormous personal suffering as well. Here he shares his example of how to respond to suffering with joy. Your perspective of yourself, your purpose, and God drastically alter your ability to recognize the opportunities He provides. Paul's joyful perspective in suffering resulted in: the elite Roman guard being reached with the Gospel; boldness among Roman Christians; and the books of Luke, Acts, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. There is no greater joy than to participate with God in His work.

Affliction and Comfort

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 15:32

Paul explained that suffering is the occasion for faith and growth. God is with us in our suffering and He can use it for good. God chooses to comfort us in our suffering when we choose to endure it for His sake. When we view suffering in the bigger picture of eternity we are able to put it in a proper perspective and see the overwhelming victory that we have in the Lord.

The Epistle of Joy

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:1-8

What is joy and what causes it? Paul speaks to the Philippians while in jail about lasting joy amidst suffering. This joy is different than fleeting happiness. Joy is the handprint of God on your heart. Three main causes of joy he points to are: 1) partnership with other Christians, 2) confidence in the future, and 3) a deep, present connection with God.


Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:1-8

We are deeply broken people living in a badly broken world, but we are designed for personal love relationships. Making truth-guided choices leads to long-term emotional health, while feelings-guided choices leads to long-term emotional problems.\r\n

Walking in Glory

Jim Leffel
Romans 8:29-39

Our identity in Christ guarantees a future glory that allows for us to endure the suffering we encounter. Our future glory allows us to be oriented by our faith in God rather than the fears that we face. We can endure moral failures and triumph in the security of God's love which allows for radical trust in this life.

Justification & "Real World" Spirituality

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:1-11

Our justification before God through Christ results in new spiritual realities. Now we have real peace with God, privileged access to God, and a future hope in heaven. When we encounter suffering in our lives, we can rejoice knowing that God is able to use it to transform and grow our character. As we grow in endurance and perseverance amidst trials, we can experience God's love and understand that it has eternal impact.

A Day in the Life for the Truly Poor

Clive Calver
Romans 5:1-11

Clive Calver teaches on how God is powerfully at work in even the most impoverished places around the world. He distinguishes between social action and social action with the saving power of Jesus. He testifies to thousands who have lost everything and still press on without fear because they have faith. Ruth Calver, his wife, shares about a visit to her Malawian friend who is blind, living in poverty, and dealing with tragedies such as losing her daughter to AIDS and caring for her granddaughter who is dying of AIDS. She instructed Ruth to tell people in America, ?Tell them what you have seen, tell them I love Jesus, and He is all I need.? Clive contends that while one person being impacted by faith may seem small, God usually starts small and reaches the nations through small victories of faithfulness.

Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man

Gary DeLashmutt
John 20:30-31

Jesus made it clear that he was God through his actions, he healed a paralyzed man on the Sabbath. He was communicating to the Pharisees that he as God could work on the Sabbath, and that he had the power to heal broken and sinful people.

Spirits and the Material World

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:10-12

Humans live in a spiritually divided world. Satan was a created being who led a rebellion against God and now rules Earth. Because of this rule, spiritual warfare is a forced circumstance of our world. Fortunately, we know the outcome of this war. We don't need to live in fear because God is in control. Still, believers need to be aware that Satan takes people more seriously than they take themselves and wants to impose his will on them.