a 4-week class with Liz Sweet
Coming into a relationship with Christ creates joy and new life; however, many find themselves limping in the Christian life because of hurt, hardship, bitterness, and/or loss of perspective. The Bible says that God "restores our souls" (Psalm 23: 3), He "heals the brokenhearted" (Psalm 147: 3), and can "fill us with all joy and peace" (Romans 15:13). This class will focus on rekindling your first love, letting God restore you, and renewing your desire and commitment to serve. Topics will include: God’s grace and love, the power of the word, God’s sovereignty, victorious suffering, eternal perspective, the role of friendship, and rekindling love output.
Saturday Mornings, 9am - 11am
November 16 - December 14 (No class 11/30)
$40/standard or $12/reduced
Location: Main Campus, Room TBD