
Elders Up for Term Renewal in 2025

John Ross

Elder & Senior Sphere Leader

John graduated from the Ohio State University in 2004, then worked as a journalist for Columbus Alive and Columbus Monthly until 2013. He later earned a master’s degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School after coming on staff. He leads a home church in the college ministry, teaches leadership classes and co-leads a sphere of roughly 900 people. He and wife, Caitlin, have two wonderful daughters. The Rosses love creeking, hitting the beach, laughing together and wandering around in the woods.

Kate Mizelle

Elder & Senior Sphere Leader

Kate oversees a combined sphere of high school, college, and adult groups. Before coming on staff, Kate studied microbiology at Ohio State and received her master's in theological studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Kate has worked as a home church coach for many years. She also teaches classes in theology and apologetics. Kate and her husband, Tommy, have been married since 2015 and lead a home church together.


Conrad Hilario

Senior Pastor, Senior Sphere Leader, College/High School Ministry Director

Conrad oversees our dynamic College Ministry. He has a bachelor's in history from the Ohio State University and also completed his master's. He teaches Dwell's Leadership Training Class and college Central Teachings. Conrad and his wife, Hilary, have two children.

Ryan Lowery

Senior Pastor & Senior Sphere Leader

Ryan oversees all of adult ministry at Dwell. Ryan grew up in Columbus, graduated with a bachelor's in history from the Ohio State University and received a master's from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Ryan came to Christ through Dwell's high school ministry in 1994 and has been learning about God and trying to grow with him ever since. He and his wife, Jess, are now empty nesters. They live in Westerville where they lead a home church. Ryan spends most of his time working with his sphere's home church leaders, preparing classes and teaching at adult Central Teachings.


Scott Risley

Elder & Senior Sphere Leader

Scott has been part of the college ministry since 1996. He married his wife, Chris, in 2003, and they have two children. Before coming on staff as a college sphere leader, Scott studied computer science engineering at Ohio State and worked for several years in software consulting. He earned a master's from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Scott serves as an elder, oversees a sphere of college and high school groups, teaches a college Central Teaching and teaches a number of classes at Dwell.

James Rochford

Elder & Senior Sphere Leader

James has served as a senior sphere leader since 2012 and an elder since 2013. He teaches classes in theology and apologetics, as well as weekly Central Teachings. He graduated magna cum laude from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with a master's in theological studies. He runs the apologetics website EvidenceUnseen.com, and has authored books on apologetics, eschatology, and heaven: Evidence Unseen (2013), Endless Hope or Hopeless End (2016) and Too Good to be True? (2016). He and his wife, Duyen, have two children.

Bret McCallum

Elder & Senior Sphere Leader

Bret graduated from the Ohio State University. He has been married to Gloria McCallum since 2006, and they have three children. He has been leading a high school home church since July 2004 and has been a college leader since 2005. Bret has planted several student groups that have gone on to plant their own groups. He began serving as a sphere leader in 2014, providing coaching for leaders. He joined the eldership team in 2017 and has been partnering with a local immigrant population since 2020.

Ben Foust

Senior Sphere Leader

Ben leads a sphere of adult home churches, teaches Central Teaching and classes and leads Pacesetters, Dwell's senior ministry. Originally from Worthington, Ben met Christ through a Dwell high school home church and spent many years in college ministry. Ben graduated from Capital University and has an master's in curriculum and classroom instruction from Ashland University. He also has a master's in theological studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He and his wife, Sarah, live in Worthington and lead a home church. They have two children.

Chris Hearty

Elder & Senior Sphere Leader

Chris is a sphere leader in the college ministry. He teaches Central Teachings as well as classes. He is currently in a master's program, from which he will soon graduate. He and his wife, Lauren, have two children.

Chris Risley

Senior Sphere Leader

Chris came to Christ in Dwell in 1998 and has been privileged to serve in a variety of roles for more than 20 years. Before becoming a sphere leader, she graduated from Ohio State with a degree in psychology, had a career, stayed home with her two kids, then began coaching and counseling for Dwell. She now leads with her husband, Scott, in an adult sphere and in a college-high sphere. She also teaches classes and leads a college home church.

Dennis McCallum

Founding Pastor, College CT Teacher

Dennis is a lecturer, author of many books, class instructor and leader and teacher at the Dwell's campus Bible study. As college home church leaders, he and his wife, Holly, have raised up leaders and planted several groups. Dennis holds a bachelor's in history from Ohio State and a master's from Ashland Theological Seminary. They have three grown children and several grandchildren.

Gary DeLashmutt

Founding Pastor

Gary is an author and Bible teacher. He and his wife, Bev, lead an adult home church in Clinton Township, and have raised up leaders and planted groups for many years. Gary holds a bachelor's in history from Ohio State and a master's from Ashland Theological Seminary. They have two grown daughters, two sons-in-law and four grandchildren -- all of whom are involved in Dwell.

Brian Runk

Elder & Senior Sphere Leader

Brian was the director of Middle School ministry for seven years. He is a graduate of the Ohio State University with a bachelor's in philosophy. He has coached adult groups for several years and is co-leading a sphere in the adult ministry. He teaches classes at Dwell and regularly subs at Central Teachings. He and his wife, Amanda, have three children.

Mike Sullivan

Senior Sphere Leader

Mike teaches adult Central Teachings and classes and leads an adult sphere. Mike earned a master's in math education from the Ohio State University and has a master's in Christian studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Whenever he gets the chance, he loves to teach verse-by-verse courses on Bible books. He and his wife, Edith, have two daughters and have been married for more than 30 years.


Brian Adams

Student Ministries Coordinator

Brian directs the myriad of work with students from Oasis Children's Ministry through to College-High School Ministry. His work encompasses programs serving hundreds of young people every week.  Brian received his Social Work degree from The Ohio State University. Brian and his wife Katie lead a college home group and he led high school groups for 12 years. Brian and Katie have a full household with 3 children. 

Steve Bauer

Operations & Administration Coordinator, Human Resource Director

Steve's division provides support for Dwell ministries. He oversees: innovative budgetary and stewardship programs; finance and accounting; management of all central Ohio facilities; technical services for meetings; legal support; and office staff. He is our human resource director and corporate treasurer and secretary for Dwell and Urban Concern. He and his wife, Malia, have led adult home churches and are active marriage mentors.

Dave Glover

Missions Division Coordinator

Dave is responsible for leading the Missions team. His division is tasked to: establish budgets locally and internationally; equip our Global Partners and missionaries; develop and review ministry plans; evaluate new partners and missionaries; provide pastoral support; and oversee domestic missions. Dave and his wife, Tracy, have been in home church leadership for more than 25 years. They currently serve in a young professional group.

Pat Reeder

Equipping Division Coordinator

Pat oversees adult education classes, the Dwell Study Center, several book stores, Dwell's master's degree program, and our annual summer conference. Pat brings education experience from teaching courses at Ohio State and Kenyon College. He has a doctorate in philosophy and a master's in mathematics from OSU. With his wife, Abbi, Pat helps lead a home church of young professionals.

Mateo Williamson

Pastoral Support Coordinator

Mateo oversees a variety of departments, including Adult Ministry, Information & Communications Technology (ICT), Pastoral Counseling, Ministry Teams and Servant Team. Additionally, Mateo coaches home churches in Dwell's College-High and Adult ministries. Mateo has a master's degree in public administration from The Ohio State University. Mateo and his wife, Keira, serve in a college home church.