Global Partners
God is on a mission to give everyone in the world the chance to come into a relationship with Him. He invites us, the universal community of followers of God, to participate with Him in this mission by sharing this good news and demonstrating His love in both word and deed everywhere we are (Acts 1:8; Matt. 22:36-40; Matt. 28:18-20; 1 Jn. 3:16-18). God is accomplishing the vast spread of the gospel and community transformation through the rapid multiplication of simple churches in the least reached regions of the world. Indigenous and near-neighbor workers lead the charge on the front lines, naturally possessing the vision, burden, key relationships, culture, and language needed to ignite and sustain a movement. However, many gifted workers overseas are under-resourced and ill-equipped and need assistance developing effective and reproducible church planting strategies. We firmly believe the Western church must stand behind our brothers and sisters overseas.
Through our Global Partnerships, the Missions Division at Dwell focuses on activating and accelerating house church planting movements by partnering with and empowering indigenous and near-neighbor workers to fulfill God's mission in their own contexts. We are committed to promoting the holistic and sustainable development of the communities where God has placed us, working among the underprivileged in a way that honors and empowers them toward spiritual, social, emotional, and economic progress. We form and evaluate these partnerships based on our Core Values. Our Global Workers act as facilitators and trainers in the context of these partnerships.