Community Clothing Outreach

James 2:15-17 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.


Over the past four years Community Clothing Outreach (CCO) has become an established clothing ministry in the heart of Columbus. A free and reliable clothing resource assures children have the proper clothing for school and provides parents with greater financial stability by decreasing clothing expenses. 

We believe that Jesus has given us the commission to serve and love poor, marginalized and disadvantaged people in our community. We strive to fulfill His words in Matthew 25, For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me….’‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Our ministry was established to give spiritual hope and connection to anyone in need. When shoppers register for an appointment they have the opportunity to list prayer requests which detail the personal trials and struggles they may be facing. At the end of the shopping appointment, we offer to pray with them according to their needs. Our shoppers rarely refuse the offer, and we're honored to bring their requests before God.

Through CCO we adorn the gospel with love & good deeds. Our ministry believes God’s grace has given us the call to be generous in all areas, especially with our material wealth.  

Many volunteers make CCO possible each week. In 2023, over 107 people offered their time and energy to making a positive impact in our community. We hosted over 13 group volunteering events, including adult, college & middle school groups, as well as OSU student groups. Through the dedication and selfless contributions of numerous volunteers who have devoted countless hours, CCO has evolved into a vibrant community of individuals committed to making a positive impact in our society.

The Need:

  • Poverty: CCO serves several of the lowest income areas in Columbus, including; South Linden, Weinland Park & Hilltop. 
  • Inflation: Due to rising costs many Columbus residents are struggling to afford basic necessities of food, clothing and housing. 
  • Immigration: Columbus has become the 14th largest city in the nation according to a 2021 Census report with an estimated 14% of population foreign-born individuals & families. 
  • Between 2014-2019, 26% of the area’s population growth was attributable to immigrants, according to a city-supported study by the nonprofit New American Economy. 
  • Immigrants are in need of weather-appropriate clothing, shoes and essential household items. By supplying these resources we enable them to seek & gain employment and prepare their children for school.
  • Who Do We Serve?

    We serve low-income individuals and families predominantly within the 43229, 43224 & 43202 zip codes. We serve a growing number of single moms, homeless individuals and immigrant shoppers who want to become thriving citizens in Franklin County. Overall, we serve an array of shoppers from diverse backgrounds, nationalities and languages from any zip code.

    We partner with several organizations in the area to offer comprehensive care for low-income families, including:

  • Neighborhood Services, Inc.
  • CRIS
  • Riverview International Center
  • Columbus City Schools
  • Wexner Medical Center
  • Why is this ministry necessary?

    By providing free clothing, shoes & hygiene items, CCO makes a significant impact in the lives of Columbus residents. We are fulfilling Christ’s call to care for the “least of these” and to support and uplift impoverished residents in our community. As a result of our ministry, families feel more secure and confident in their ability to provide for themselves and their loved ones. 

    Our ministry helps families by reducing their clothing expenses, giving them the freedom to allocate funds to other crucial needs. We also give parents and caregivers confidence with a reliable source of quality clothing. 

    CCO gives glory to God by honoring His command to love our neighbors & care for those who are vulnerable & marginalized. In addition, we offer the opportunity for our donors to directly impact those in need with their generosity. Many supporters of our ministry have been grateful to offer their items at no-cost to those in need. 

    Learn More

    Video from our director:

    Starting a Ministry podcast on Dwell On These Things:

    Starting a New Ministry

    Hosted by Paul Alexander

    Guests Luke Walker and Sarah Fusner describe how God led them to start new ministries and they share lessons for those with similar calling.