The Full Armor of God (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 6:11-15

The apostle Paul was chained to Roman soldiers when he wrote this letter. He uses their armor to illustrate God's resources for our battle with supernatural evil. This time we discuss the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth and the shoes of peace.

The Cutting of the Covenant

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 4:1-5

A fascinating narrative describing how God ratified a covenant with Abram and providing three key insights into living by faith. God declares us to be in right standing with Him when we simply trust in His promise. Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is faith under strain. Faith submits to God's plan and to His timing for its fulfillment.

Right with God

Jim Leffel
Romans 3:21-26

As Paul demonstrated earlier in Romans, all people are held accountable to God to a perfect moral standard, but all fall short. In His love, God devised and executed a plan to give people an alternative to paying for their sins themselves, through a sacrificial priestly redeemer. Jesus is this redeemer, sacrificing himself for man on the cross, but also serving as the priest who is a go-between between man and God. We can have our moral debt before God forgiven if we receive this sacrifice.


Jim Leffel
Romans 3:17-23

This passage continues Paul's theme of man being lost without God, explaining that God has a standard to which He holds all men accountable. Paul says this standard is in our hearts through our conscience, though our consciences can be flawed, and it is expressed through the Law given to the Jews. By either evaluation man falls short, but we can cry out to God, acknowledging our sinfulness, and receive His provision of forgiveness and mercy.

Everything is Going According to Plan Part Two

Chris Hearty
Romans 11:1-36

Paul continues his argument that God's plan for Israel has not failed. On the contrary, it is bigger than anyone could have imagined. Anyone who believes, and receives the free gift of salvation, becomes a part of God's grand plan. God has neither forgotten not rejected Israel. He will in due time return His attention to restoring Israel.

Law School

Dennis McCallum
Romans 7:1-24

God's law was given in the Old Testament. For centuries, people have been confused by the role God's law plays in the life of the believer. This teaching looks at the role of the God's law.

Friends of God

Chris Hearty
Romans 5:0

Faith is not a blind leap but a trusting in God and His promises. We can boldly enter the throne room of grace if we have been declared righteous by faith in Jesus Christ. While we were still sinners, God made a way for us to be friends with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Now that we are friends with God, we can rejoice and have peace in all circumstances.

The Foundation of Justification

James Rochford
Romans 5:1-11

Contrary to a typical religious mentality, Paul establishes that those who have trusted in Christ have already been made righteous--we do not need to do good works or lead a moral life to achieve God's acceptance because we already have it. This means we can live a life based on grace, which is secure in our relationship with God. This security enables us to persevere and grow, even through trials, because our hope is sure.

The Woman Caught in Adultery

Ryan Lowery
John 8:1-12

In order to trap Jesus, a group of Pharisees puts an adulterous woman in front of him, creating a conflict between Mosaic law and Roman law. Jesus adeptly responds in a way that exposed the Pharisees' motives, showed compassion to the woman, and held to God's truth about her situation. In doing so, Jesus showed that we can come to God as we are, receive forgiveness from him for our sins, and enjoy closeness with Him.