Knowing Christ

Mike Sullivan
John 12:23-24

As people who have been made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ, Christians are now capable of growing in their personal relationship with Him. This growth is a privilege, and even though it should be a passion for all believers, it is easy to devalue the importance and joy that comes from knowing Jesus personally. To grow in our relationship with God involves admitting that: we have not arrived at a perfect knowledge of Christ yet, sharing in Christ's sufferings, and realizing we have not yet arrived at perfect knowledge and will not do so in this life.


Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 3:1-9

According to the Bible, there are ultimately only two bases for identity: boasting in one's achievements or affiliations; or boasting in Christ. Paul counts his own religious background as inferior compared to his identity in Christ. Paul urges the Philippians to follow his example in putting confidence in their identity in Christ rather than their flesh.

The Problem of Evil

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3:23-25

Jesus asks hard questions to draw out peoples' inaccurate view of God's approach to sin and righteousness - where the unfortunate are punished by God and the righteous are not. Jesus' denies this view. Four worldviews are discussed, three are argued against regarding the ?Problem of Evil,? the Biblical view on evil and suffering being the only logical and loving belief system, revealing the real character of God.

Why Are You Angry?

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 4:1-6

The first biblical account of sinful anger is described. God asks Cain, "Why are you angry?" Sinful anger is destructive and rooted in wrong beliefs. To experience increasing freedom in this area three things are necessary: 1) receive God's forgiveness; 2) cooperate practically with God to combat your anger; 3) identify and replace wrong beliefs with faith in God's provision.

Why Is Sin Bad?

Ryan Lowery
Romans 6:15-23

Most of the time, it can seem like God says ?no? to sin to be a killjoy. In reality, sin is bad for us, and God wants good things for His children. When we choose to sin, we are living incongruent to who we are as believers in Christ. We no longer need to be enslaved to sin. Our new nature allows us to live in freedom from sin, as servants of righteousness.

Confrontations with the Priests (or four good reasons to reject religion)

Jim Leffel
Luke 19:45-20:40

Four reasons to reject religion include: 1) hypocrisy; 2) dogma and deafness; 3) group-think; and 4) a body of teachings with no solutions. Instead, we are called to be ambassadors of Christ, delivering the good news to all people in faith, hope, and love.

Who Should You Follow?

Scott Risley
Luke 6:36-49

In the Sermon on the Plain Jesus explains five differences between bad teachers and good teachers. Bad teachers: condemn rather than forgive, take rather than give, are blind rather than reliable, bear bad fruit rather than good, and ignore Jesus rather than obey him.

Jesus vs. Legalistic Religion

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6:11-38

Most people have heard some version of the "Golden Rule" but do they really know what it says? Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and he took it a step further when he said, "Love your enemies!" According to Jesus, loving other people involves action on our part. It is not a passive thought or passing feeling. Learn more about this type of love in The Sermon on the Plain.\r\n

God's Way of Life

Scott Risley
Luke 6:17-36

Jesus teaches the Beatitudes: a penetrating message for the followers of Christ and the hypocritical Pharisees. The righteous will suffer for following Christ but in God's kingdom, they will receive eternal blessing.