Affliction and the Shape of Faith

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

For Christians, affliction is a product of the spiritual war in the world. It can often leave people disturbed, tempted, disappointed, or with negative habits. Responding well to affliction requires preparation, encouragement, and an outward focus. Responding well to suffering can take a proud heart and teach it humility and brokenness.

2 Implications of Following Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
John 21:18-23

Jesus concludes his interaction with Peter with two main lessons: 1) following Jesus means giving up being the solo director or your life; and 2) we are not to compare our own lot with other believers. Comparison is lethal to relationships and the New Testament highlights a few ways to transform this tendency. To have a healthy focus, we should compare what we have been given to what we actually deserve from God.

Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Ryan Lowery
Luke 18:9-17

Many believe that religion teaches you to think that you are better than others, but Jesus teaches that God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. The Pharisee of Jesus' parable thanks God that he is better than others, but fails to realize that he cannot stand before God. The tax collector, however, understands that his only option is to plead for mercy from God. We should remember the incredible grace that God showed us when we were saved.

Jesus Restores Peter from Spiritual Failure

Gary DeLashmutt
John 21:15-17

Jesus interacts with Peter concerning his denial of Christ. Jesus leads him to take ownership of his failure and gives him a vision of restoration. It is difficult to acknowledge failure. We would rather blame shift, minimize, or rationalize than take responsibility, but God can use even our failure for good.

Jesus Before Annas and Pilate

Gary DeLashmutt
John 18:12-19:16

In the course of Jesus' trials, he is taken before four courts. This teaching focuses on the trials before Pilate and the high priest Annas. Typical judicial practices are violated by Jesus' accusers as they desire his death on a cross above all else. Jesus went through a willing separation from his Father so that humanity could be in a relationship with God.


Lee Campbell
John 17:1-23

Jesus' purpose was to display God's glory through his life on earth. We desire glory for ourselves and often put others down because we think that is how we will experience glory. If we act in love as God designed us we can truly experience glory through God. This teaching features a recording of Steve Harvey introducing Jesus.

The Dangers of Hypocrisy

Ryan Lowery
Luke 11:37-54

Christianity as a religion has obscured the teaching of Christ as people promote the idea that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. Jesus confronts the Pharisees at a dinner party, leveling harsh criticism against their prideful hypocrisy and the way it leads others away from God. We have the choice to either receive God's forgiveness, or fake it, and in faking it, we do more harm than good.

Shepherd the Flock

Scott Risley
1 Peter 5:1-7

There is no such thing as autonomous leadership in the New Testament. Peter contrasts four ways to be a good shepherd vs. a worldly leader: 1) I get to do this vs. I have to do this; 2) Giving vs. taking; 3) Serving vs. lording it over the people; and 4) Humility vs. pride. Jesus is the ultimate example of what leadership should look like. Peter says we should be servant leaders to please the Chief Shepherd and as a response to His grace. An audio testimony by Wayne Talarzyk is included.

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Gary DeLashmutt
John 9:1-41

Jesus backs up his claim to be the light of the world by giving a blind man sight. The blind man receives not only sight but also spiritual insight because he was open to instruction and responds to Jesus, while the Pharisees become more blind through their rejection of this miracle. Willingness to change and humility to admit blind spots is the key to growing spiritually while ignoring counsel and prideful stubbornness can poison spiritual health.