The God Who is There in Conflict

Bev DeLashmutt
Romans 2:1-3

Unresolved conflict stirs up many negative emotions, including confusion for how God is involved. God does, however, have a will for conflict, and it is that he seeks to be glorified. He is glorified both through resolution and when even one person obeys his principles for conflict. This means that no matter how the other person may respond, we are responsible for our own response. We are called to withhold judgement, address our own failure first, relate wisely, seek God for our needs, and treat the other as we want to be treated. Through these steps, we can have a more God-centered approach and response to conflict.

The Judgements of God and Why They Matter

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 2:1-3

In this session Gary DeLashmutt covers the topic of God's judgement, expounding on four different theses. 1) God does judge, 2) God's judgement is consistent with His love, 3) God judges in various ways, and 4) Deep convictions about God's judgement enable us to live for effectively him.


Mike Sullivan
John 7:37-39

God is clear that He does not ask for rituals or for lofty prayers with no actions to back them up. He asks for the Israelites to hear what He wants and to obey. Manasseh led Israel into idolatry and God judges them for religious compartmentalization and hypocrisy.

Four Pictures of Christian Leadership

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 4:1-13

Paul offers a perspective on Christian leadership, which often stands in contrast with how leadership is understood and perceived by people. Christian leaders are to be primarily servants of Christ, careful with the truth and resources with which they've been entrusted. As a leader, Paul knows God's judgement is the only one that matters, and that his purpose is to give his life away in service to both non-Christians and Christians.

The Perils of Pride

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 4:1-16

Paul addresses a destructive issue in the Corinthian church--pride. Pride often leads to Christians to judge, which Paul says should usually be left to God, and he says it leads to Christians having a destructive sense of superiority. Instead we should understand that any strengths we have come from God, and we should devote ourselves to His work.

Fools for Christ

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 4:1-16

The Apostle Paul urges the Corinthian church to set aside their pride and unrighteous judgment, and instead live a life devoted to following Christ. When we choose to do likewise and reprioritize our life to align with God's values, we can experience a truly fulfilling life, far richer than anything worldly success can bring.

God's Judgment

Mike Sullivan
Romans 5:8-9

Why does God judge? Observations about God's judgment include that it is not arbitrary or biased and is inescapable. Common objections to judgment are discussed as well as how to talk about God's judgment.

Exploring Eternity

James Rochford
Daniel 12:1-13

Daniel's final chapter speaks both of "everlasting life" and "shame and everlasting contempt." Several reasons are presented about why we can be confident in an afterlife. Popular misconceptions of Hell and God's judgment are clarified.

The Flood

James Rochford
1 Peter 3:20-21

After some time in human history, God looked at His creation and saw total depravity across the world. It broke God's heart and He brought judgment on the world through the Flood. There is considerable debate about whether the events of Noah and the Flood were real events in human history or not. There are also 270 accounts of "a flood" in different cultures worldwide which does point to a common historical event. The plausibility of the Flood is discussed as well as if it was a local or global event.