Members of One Another

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12:13

What is the church? Is it a building we attend or is it something more? This teaching answers those questions and also explains how we are connected to each other and all play a role in God's church.

Finding Your Place in God's Spiritual Community

Conrad Hilario
Romans 12:3-8

Paul compares the church to a human body, containing both unity and diversity and the various parts each having an important role to play. Entering and thriving in God's community requires humility.

The Place of the Local Church in the Global Church

Dwight Smith
Romans 12:3-8

For much of the history of missions, there has been little return on investment in terms of number of conversions, in spite of earnest efforts on the part of Christians. In the 20th century, world receptivity to the gospel changed and more and more people began coming to Christ. This raises the question of how local churches in America can connect to the growing global church and support global evangelism, especially in light of the decline in the American church.

The Call to Unity in a Divided Culture

Mike Woods
Romans 12:3-8

We live in a time where our culture is deeply divided. Politically, ethnically, and economically our culture is in constant conflict - even at a deep interpersonal level, close relationships and community are in a sharp decline. How can the Church find unity in such a divided landscape? We will look at what insight the Bible provides into how the Body of Christ can remain unified and interdependent even in this cultural climate.

Screen Time?Can it Really Impact You and the Church?

Kate Mizelle
1 Corinthians 12

We live in a society obsessed with "the screen" and the church is no different. What impact does excessive screen time have on us, our relationships, and the church? This workshop seeks to answer that question and explores what a balanced approach might be to combat the addictive nature of screens and fully embrace God's design for His people.


Check out the Screen Time Refresh set of devotionals.


Saying "Yes" to Christ's Community

Patrice McCormac
Romans 12:4-5

Religion in our culture is often considered a private matter apart from any type of close spiritual community. John Stott points out in The Cross of Christ "from the day of Pentecost onward it has been clear that conversion to Christ means conversion to the community of Christ." As Christians it would be na?ve to believe that we are not influenced by our culture's commitment to radical individualism. This workshop explores the risks and dangers of Christians living outside of Christian community and looks at the Biblical principle that a commitment to Christ is meant to be lived out in the context of a commitment to a Christian community.\r\n

God's Strategy in Human History

Scott Risley
Romans 10:1-11:29

Paul addresses pressing questions in the mind of his audience: Why do most Jews reject Jesus? Has God's plan failed? How should Jews and Gentiles be viewed today? While some Christians suggest God has rejected Israel and replaced it with the Church, these chapters of Romans show that God is working through Gentiles for a time, but will one day move his focus back to the Jews, for God always keeps His promises.

Persevering Through Failure

Ryan Lowery
John 21:1-11

The last chapter in the book of John shows an interesting interaction between the resurrected Jesus and the apostle Peter. Jesus knew about Peter's shortcomings and he didn't stay silent about them. He showed Peter his potential, warned him of his weaknesses, and prayed for Peter's success. While Peter failed by denying Christ three time, failure can reveal our true heart - whether we are serving for our selves and our own glory or serving out of gratitude.

Preserving the Unity in Your Community

Mary Beth Gladwell
John 13:5

The depth and length of relationships that we have with one another, in the Body of Christ, is the final apologetic. To maintain unity we must engage the battle in our thought life, practice forbearance with one another, and practice humility.