The Woman Caught in Adultery

Brian Adams
John 8:1-11

How can we experience transformation from the power of sin when the Law makes us sin more?  The Law leads to condemnation and defeat whereas grace fills and frees us to pursue a different path.  Grace brings satisfaction and the power to transform.

Failure to Discipline: The Wisdom of the World Strikes Again

Patrice McCormac
1 Corinthians 5:1-13

Church discipline is not unloving because its goal is to motivate the the one in the wrong to repent.  It is loving because it protects the integrity of the spiritual community before the eyes of the watching world.


Jim Leffel
Hebrews 10:19-11:6

The writer of Hebrews is warning his listeners that if they continue to willfully reject the offer of forgiveness that Jesus extends, there is no other means of salvation.  There is only the terrifying expectation of judgment.

Introduction to the Series

Lee Campbell
1 Corinthians 1:3-9

You might say the city of Corinth was the Las Vegas of the ancient world. As Paul writes to the worldly church in Corinth, he does not start out with a rebuke for their debauched lifestyles, but with who they are in Christ. He reminds them of their amazing identity in Christ as the called out ones, that they belong to God because of Christ, and He gives us all we need because of Christ.

Leadership Lessons from David

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 23

We can learn some important lessons from King David regarding leadership, not that he was a perfect leader at all times but that he knew how to turn back to God when he failed. We can study David because he knew how to mobilize others to lead. He pointed people to God. He modeled servant leadership.

Walk in Love, Walk in Light

Brad DuFault
Ephesians 5:1-20

Paul outlines practical areas of morality for Christians to consider and warns them against judging non-christians.

The Pharisee and the Publican

Patrice McCormac
Luke 18:9-14

While the Pharisee exalted himself, the tax collector humbled himself before God and was declared righteous. Pride ignored prevents us from experiencing God's love and care. Pride leads to exalting oneself which leads to being painfully humbled, but humbling oneself leads to being exalted by God.

King David's Downfall

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 11-12

David learns that if temptations are not dealt with immediately, the desires they stimulate give birth to sinful actions. When he hid his sin, he was miserable, but when he turned back to God, he received grace and mercy. There still were severe consequences but also new birth, a son, Solomon.

Fall & Restoration of David

James Rochford
2 Samuel 11-12

In this chapter of King David's life, we see he has lost his focus on God and fallen into lust and laziness. He missed every escape opportunity. When confronted by Nathan the Prophet, he repents and admits his sin is against God first and foremost. He does not blame-shift or minimize, but instead he is honest and accepts responsibility and the consequences of his actions.