Why this waste?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:6-13

Mary's sacrifice of her expensive perfume at the expense of Jesus infuriates Jesus' disciples. Jesus highlights Mary's sacrifice isn't a waste, as they might think, but will be richly rewarded before God and remembered. The contrast between the disciples' and Jesus' viewpoint highlights the difference when we think about the temporary things to indulge rather than living for the eternal impacts that come from pursuing what God desires. Mary's faith and eternal perspective made her sacrifice not a sacrifice at all because of who she was looking to serve. This teaching also includes a testimony of a man in a law firm that realized God's eternal impact and how to live for that rather than temporary things.

Live With the End in Mind

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 5:1-10

The way we view and live our lives as Christians is based on the biblical hope we have from eternal life. Having eternal life as an assurance despite the troubles of this life provides Christians with courage to stand up for what God cares about. We can experience a deep satisfaction in our relationship with God as we learn to please Him in this life, knowing that we will give an account to Him in the next. Setting our minds on eternity gives us wisdom on how to live our present lives as foreigners in Christ.

The Spirit of the Gentiles

Dennis McCallum
Luke 14:9-11

James' and John's desire to be at the places of honor reflects the damaging effects of human pride and putting self at the center. Jesus tells them that true leadership is servant leadership, where you forsake self for the building up of others. Jesus perfectly demonstrated sacrificial servant leadership by going to the cross to pay for humanity's moral debt to God. Humility before God and others is a key attribute of being effective in servant leadership.


Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6

As Christians, we can experience deep transformation as we live in newness of the Holy Spirit, knowing God has provided us the ability to serve Him adequately. In God's new way, we can more substantially know God in His glory as we understand His love and mercy more deeply. By being in His presence, we are able to live in real freedom under God's grace, which allows Christians to minister effectively according to His power. Living in the New Covenant shows the futility of relating to God under the Old Covenant.


Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6

Paul shows that the basis of Christian's adequacy comes solely from God. Christians are competent and adequate through God to serve in the new ministry of grace by the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. This sense of God-given adequacy allows others to sense God's presence in our lives and provides us with assurance to serve Him and others based on God's stamp of approval through His Son. As we live this way, the sincerity of what God has done in our lives is made more evident.

Serving Love and Sexuality (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:2-9

The topics of dating, marriage and divorced are discussed. The biblical ideal for dating relationships is loving the whole person through agape love. Agape love is deeply sacrificial and exemplified through action over time, as opposed to a primarily feeling-based, temporary, taking type of relationship or marriage. Immature relationships produce co-dependent, romanticized, superficial relating that puts self at the center. Common hurdles within marriage include pride, control, expectations, and a lack of grace. These are able to be cultivated in the context of close relationships - dating or platonic. This teaching also touches on what steps Christians can take if they are divorced.

Serving Love and Sexuality (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:1-9

When the focus of sexuality is servant love, we understand that sex is highly intimate and thus can be highly damaging, so we want to listen to God's perspective on what will be the most fulfilling. The key to success in sexual relationships is that it is centered around God. When centered on God, sexuality is able to be freeing and highly unifying as both parties are secure in their position in Christ and can look to serve one another out of God's love, rather than needlessly taking from one another. For those not in marriages, developing our ability to give love in Christian community is a great starting point.

Spiritual Confidence

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 1:12-16

Paul speaks to the Corinthians about spiritual confidence. Spiritual confidence is based out of God's love, His power, and His grace. When we develop spiritual confidence based on who God says we are, we can experience freedom in serving Him firstly and develop outward focus in our other key relationships. As we are faithful to God's message, our consciences can strengthen and reflect the confidence we have through our relationship with God.

Who Do You Say I Am?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 8:27-37

The biggest question to answer is who Jesus is. Jesus came and predicted that he would suffer, be killed, and rise again three days later. For followers of Jesus, the next decision is whether or not discipleship (radically following Jesus) is something that you desire. Jesus' example of self-sacrifice was demonstrated through his death on the cross and is the key to enjoying a satisfying and fulfilling life for Christ.