Lessons on Prayer

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 18:19-20

God doesn't promise to answer all of our prayers with affirmation. However, we can and should pray: 1. According to His will; 2. In faith; 3.With persistence; 4.Corporately (in groups); 5. Seeking answers; and 6. Remembering how He has answered us in the past.

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Ryan Lowery
Daniel 2:1-45

Nebuchadnezzar is a king who desperately wants an answer for a disturbing dream. He demands his wise men should know what his dream is, without him telling it and he wants an interpretation of the meaning of the dream. The wise men don't know what the dream was or what it was about. Daniel asks God for insight and interpretation. God reveals the dream, using Daniel as a witness to show authentic spiritual truth to Nebuchadnezzar. Although the king was a wicked man, God wanted to reach him.

Christian Confidence

James Rochford
Acts 3:1-4:31

In these chapters, we see a case study on Christian confidence through Peter and John's interactions with the governing officials about healing a lame man. Five keys to confidence we learn from their example are: 1) don't take credit; 2) defend your faith; 3) be filled with the Holy Spirit; 4) commit to do good; 5) pray.

Pentecost: Contagious Christianity

James Rochford
Joel 2:28-32

Why are some people contagious for Christ? What causes some Christian groups to flourish and thrive? Can God really use someone like me? In this chapter, Luke answers these questions by explaining the impact the Holy Spirit brings to the church. He includes Peter's address to the crowd showing that this was God's plan all along.

Praying for Stuck Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Samuel 12:22-23

Once beginning a relationship with Christ, the road to spiritual growth is not easy and many believers become "stuck," mired in things like bitterness, self-righteousness or fear. This workshop develops the biblical evidence that we should pray for these believers and explores what that looks like in action. Prayer is an immensely powerful tool, and we need to wield it in order to help others be loosened from the enemy's grasp. We see that In response to this, we should consider someone in our own life for whom we may pray and be prepared to persevere in those prayers.


Jim Leffel
Genesis 18:17-19:32

Does prayer matter? Yes! Abraham prayed for the people in his life. He prayed specifically for the people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah and this saved lives. Abraham interceded on behalf of those in the cities and this changed Lot's life. This passage describes how God answered those prayers and why we\r\nshould be diligent to pray for the people in our lives.\r\n

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Scott Risley
Luke 18:9-14

Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector to demonstrate what is needed to be right with God. While the Pharisee demonstrated self-righteousness in his prayer, the tax collector demonstrated humility and his need for mercy in his prayer. Righteousness before God can only be obtained by faith in Jesus' atoning sacrifice, not on the basis of our own works.

Lessons on Prayer (Part 3)

Conrad Hilario
Luke 11:14-23

Satan is God's most powerful enemy and he wants to destroy us. So God calls us to take the offensive in spiritual warfare. We are to ?bind the strongman??that is, we are to battle Satan with the truth of God's Word.

3 Essential Prayer Attitudes

Scott Risley
Luke 18:1-8

Through an ?a fortiori? argument, Jesus teaches us three essential attitudes to have in prayer: 1) we need to exercise persistence in prayer; 2) we must have ?shameless audacity??that is, be willing to pray bold prayers and be real with God; and 3) we should always recognize that God is our generous Father who wants to give His children good things.