A Lawyer Tests Jesus

Jim Leffel
Luke 10:25-37

God's way is being blessed by God to be a blessing to others. In response to the lawyer, Jesus raises the standard of who we should consider ?my neighbor? and defines love as allowing ourselves to be inconvenienced by people in need.

Sex and Marriage

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 19:4-6

God values marriage and sexuality immensely, and He desires for them to be honored by all. The Biblical view of sex and marriage, however, is incredibly different from the modern perspective in its definition, norms, and preparation for marriage and sex, and yet modern research demonstrates that the Biblical perspective is the only method that brings true fulfillment. Single Christians should seek to develop the skills necessary for a good marriage, and those that are married should work hard to maintain the health of their marriages as well.

Living the Life of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:1-3

The author of Hebrews highlights the importance of exercising sacrificial love as a follower of Christ.. First the love for other believers in community is highlighted. The author then expresses the need for the church to love the non-believer as a group. Finally he encourages the church to endure as persecution continues to increase.

The Goal of Our Faith

Conrad Hilario
1 John 4:18-19

Christianity is centered on love, and this love is only possible through receiving the love that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This love is proactive and sacrificial, and healthy spiritual communities facilitate and encourage this type of love among members. However, this love does not stop with other Christians, but it should lead to loving those outside the church as well. Without a balance in these two arenas of love, churches will either be superficial or ingrown, and Christians must learn to accept God's love for themselves and then learn to love others.

Walking Worthy

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 4:1-6

Paul calls for the Ephesians to walk in a manner worthy of God. This means living confidently in God's love and grace as opposed to trying to earn God's love or forgiveness. This teaching features a three minute sound clip from the movie "Saving Private Ryan".

Two Key Aspects of Biblical Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 5:22

Biblical freedom, like all freedoms, is comprised of a negative and positive aspect: freedom from and freedom for. God has freed Christians FROM acceptance based on performance, and God has freed Christians FOR loving others powerfully through the Holy Spirit. Gary explores subtle signs of a legalistic, 'acceptance by performance' mentality and gives a positive vision for how loving others within the protective boundaries of love ethics can turn enslaving self-absorption into a healthy self-forgetting.

Sermon on the Plain: An Invitation to Discipleship (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Luke 6:17-49

Jesus' call to love others is based on God's love for us. God reconciled us when we were His enemies to make us His sons and daughters. Sacrifice is always involved in reconciling relationships and God wants to free us to restore the alienated relationships in our lives. This involves taking the log out of our own eye, dealing with the hypocrisy in our lives, and appealing to one another in love.

Maturing in God's Family

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 4:12-20

Spiritual growth is not autonomous. Beyond a primitive level, true spiritual maturity cannot develop outside the family of God. Receiving Christ means adoption into God's family, and God calls each family member to play a role in caring about the spiritual welfare of others, even when relational risks are involved. God calls us to prioritize vulnerability over relational calm and constructive conflict over relational comfort.

Responding to Radical Grace

Conrad Hilario
1 John 4:17-18

Since Jesus has fulfilled the entire Old Testament Law and forgiven us completely through His own death on the cross, Christians have absolute confidence in approaching God and can experience eternal security as well. This open access to God should foster a love for others that includes thoughtful encouragement and making time to build close friendships, and this counter-cultural love is the basis for authentic Christian community.