
James Rochford
Acts 4:36-5:14

As the church is growing Satan attempts the tactic of hypocrisy to bring the growth to a halt. It is easy to judge Ananias and Sapphira for their hypocrisy, however, if we're honest we can see ourselves in them. In this teaching we learn 4 aspects of hypocrisy: 1) definition of hypocrisy; 2) problems with hypocrisy; 3) identifying hypocrisy; 4) battling hypocrisy.

Christian Confidence

James Rochford
Acts 3:1-4:31

In these chapters, we see a case study on Christian confidence through Peter and John's interactions with the governing officials about healing a lame man. Five keys to confidence we learn from their example are: 1) don't take credit; 2) defend your faith; 3) be filled with the Holy Spirit; 4) commit to do good; 5) pray.

Spiritual D-Day

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:27

When the disciples are all in one room on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is put into them as they are put into the body of Christ. This marks the change from the Old Covenant to the New.

The Book of Acts

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-8

This is the transition passage between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant when the resurrected Jesus commands his disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would then empower them to be his witnesses.

Pentecost: Contagious Christianity

James Rochford
Joel 2:28-32

Why are some people contagious for Christ? What causes some Christian groups to flourish and thrive? Can God really use someone like me? In this chapter, Luke answers these questions by explaining the impact the Holy Spirit brings to the church. He includes Peter's address to the crowd showing that this was God's plan all along.

Waiting for God

James Rochford
Luke 1:3

After an overview of the book of Acts, we learn from the author Luke what it looks like to wait for God. Waiting isn't passive, it involves: seeking God's direction, choosing His will, giving us courage, teaching patience, and it won't disappoint. The disciples needed to learn the lesson of God's timing and power. They would be used as God's witnesses through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Conrad Hilario
Acts 2:1-41

Foreshadowing of the work of Christ in the Old Testament Jewish festivals explained briefly. Principles of an effective witness include: 1) the power of God; 2) giving credit to Christ for our changed lives; 3) being prepared to offer evidence; 4) highlighting God's grace; 5) explaining how we personally transact with God; and 6) being persistent.

Jesus' Parting Words

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 28:18-20

An introduction to the book of Acts. Time is spent explaining the Churches central mission ( the Great Commission) what that looks like in our lives and the role of the Holy Spirit.

Two Insights into Christian Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:27-2:2

Paul urges his followers to devote themselves to community based on their shared basis of Christ. Paul identifies three key elements of Christian unity: 1) a common source of truth; 2) common outward focus; 3) common understanding of love.