Entering God's Rest

Scott Risley
Genesis 2:2

The focus is on entering God's rest. Topics include an explanation of how we know this promise of rest extends to us today, what rest is, and how we can enter it. Whether pursuing salvation or spiritual growth, we can never add anything to Christ's finished work. God invites us to enter into His rest TODAY.

The "Table of Contents"

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 1:1-5

The Judaizers attack Paul's message and authority. Paul defends his apostolic authority and emphasizes God's grace. Four insights into God's grace are presented: 1) God offers us His peace by His grace, 2) God's grace gives us justification by faith alone, 3) God's grace rescues us from the authority of evil in this life, and 4) God's grace motivates its recipients to praise Him.


Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:7-8

The God of the Bible is unique in His desire to communicate and to have a personal relationship with humanity. The most profound way in which He has done this is by choosing to come personally to Earth in the person of Jesus Christ. The person of Christ ushered in a way of relating to God that is far superior to following rules and laws: that is grace.

God's Final Word

Scott Risley
Hebrews 1:1-2:3

An introduction to an overview of Hebrews as well as discusses the supremacy of Christ and His superiority over the OT prophets, high priests, sacrifices and angels. God has spoken in many times and ways but now He has spoken FINALLY through His Son. Will you ignore His final revelation or will you pay careful attention to what He has said so you don't drift away?

Jesus' Unique Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 1:18-25

The birth of Jesus removes itself from being considered a myth by being deliberately lodged in history. This means that God really did come down in human form. There are several reasons that God did this: 1) to provide evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, fulfilling all of the prophecies along the way; and 2) to provide salvation for the human race as a substitute. This knowledge prompts the response of entrusting ourselves to God.

The Greatness of the Love of God

Scott Risley
Psalms 103

Perhaps the greatest of all the praise psalms. Our delight in the Lord is incomplete until it is expressed, therefore, praise completes our enjoyment of God. On the other hand, when we don't spend time talking about God's character, we forget about His goodness. While neglecting to praise God leads to depression, expression of God's grace fills us with a joy that is practically inexhaustible. By proclaiming why God deserves to be worshiped, as well as the benefit we receive when we praise Him, David invites us to partake in praising Yahweh. \r\n

Why I'm happy to be with God

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 103:1-22

What should I be living for? There are things that we give lots of time and money to. What will the worth of our physical wealth and presence be when we are gone? God has revealed the outcome of our eternal life and without sufficient payment for our sins, we are destined to be apart from him for eternity. God has already finished His plans to redeem us, and that is through His son's death on the cross, which allows us to live eternally in His presence.

Preparing Our Minds for Action

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:13-22

Because humankind has a natural inclination towards selfishness, a passive mental mindset leads to a self-centered life. In order to resist a culture that propagates these values, Christians must prepare and sharpen their minds. The grace of God stands against this paradigm and allows us to love others in a radical way.

The Dynamics of True Heart Change

Dennis McCallum
2 Samuel 11:1-12:14

Many have withstood the trial of failure, only to fail under the trial of success. When King David became wealthy and had many wives, he hardened his heart and covered up his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah until the prophet Nathan exposed his sin and he repented. David then penned Psalms 51 and 32 describing the dynamics of true heart change. Thank God we can never out sin His immeasurable grace.\r\n