Right with God

Jim Leffel
Romans 3:21-26

As Paul demonstrated earlier in Romans, all people are held accountable to God to a perfect moral standard, but all fall short. In His love, God devised and executed a plan to give people an alternative to paying for their sins themselves, through a sacrificial priestly redeemer. Jesus is this redeemer, sacrificing himself for man on the cross, but also serving as the priest who is a go-between between man and God. We can have our moral debt before God forgiven if we receive this sacrifice.


Jim Leffel
Romans 3:17-23

This passage continues Paul's theme of man being lost without God, explaining that God has a standard to which He holds all men accountable. Paul says this standard is in our hearts through our conscience, though our consciences can be flawed, and it is expressed through the Law given to the Jews. By either evaluation man falls short, but we can cry out to God, acknowledging our sinfulness, and receive His provision of forgiveness and mercy.

What is Faith?

Dennis McCallum
Romans 4:1-21

Is the idea of reconciliation a new one? Does the Old Testament teach a different message than the New Testament?

The Most Important Event in History

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3:9-31

The Bible says that no one is righteousness. This is a bleak statement. Is all humanity left without hope? Or does God have a different plan for mankind? This teaching covers the most important event in history.

The Unthinkable Solution to the Human Condition

James Rochford
Romans 3:1-31

Paul describes humanity's problem--that we are hopelessly guilty before God because of our sin. Then he outlines God's unthinkable solution, to offer Jesus as a sacrificial substitute in our place so that we could freely be made right before God.

Our Problem, God's Solution

Scott Risley
Romans 3:9-30

Paul explains humanity's problem with God--that all have fallen short of God's perfect standard and deserve judgment. Now he transitions to explaining God's solution to our problem: forgiveness through faith in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. When we place our trust in Christ we are freely forgiven and can enjoy humble unity with one another.

The Beginning of God's Rescue Plan

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 3:20-21

In Genesis 3 we see God begin a rescue plan for man, whose decision to rebel against Him, through Satan's temptation, has resulted in death. God predicts that someday Satan will be judged and defeated through a conflict between Satan and a member of the human race--the Messiah. By making an animal hide covering for Adam and Eve, God foreshadows the day when a sacrifice will cover the shame and guilt of their sins. We should "take off" our ways of dealing with this guilt and "put on" Jesus' free provision of forgiveness.

The God Who is There in Conflict

Bev DeLashmutt
Romans 2:1-3

Unresolved conflict stirs up many negative emotions, including confusion for how God is involved. God does, however, have a will for conflict, and it is that he seeks to be glorified. He is glorified both through resolution and when even one person obeys his principles for conflict. This means that no matter how the other person may respond, we are responsible for our own response. We are called to withhold judgement, address our own failure first, relate wisely, seek God for our needs, and treat the other as we want to be treated. Through these steps, we can have a more God-centered approach and response to conflict.

What's the Point of Communion?

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Paul addresses an instance of inappropriate taking of Communion in the Corinthian church. With misunderstanding of communion prevalent today, it is important to examine what Communion is and isn't.