Raising a Man from the Dead

Gary DeLashmutt
John 11:1-46

Jesus performs the final miracle in a series of seven recorded miracles in the Gospel of John. Jesus resurrects a man named Lazarus after he had been dead for several days. This physical resurrection points to a larger claim from Jesus, that he has the authority to defeat death and offer spiritual resurrection as well. Jesus has an emotional reaction to Lazarus' death as death is unnatural and something that God has a plan to defeat fully.

Abraham's Strange Encounter

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 9:26

In Genesis 14, Moses relays a fascinating encounter between Abraham and Melchizedek, a High Priest of God. We learn that God had arranged this encounter as a means of representing His future plan: for Jesus to die and take the place of a priest in our lives?to become an intercessor between humans and God for our sins. Through his death, Jesus had superseded priesthood forever. As a result we are no longer bound to the law, but can draw near to God through faith in Jesus.

Healing a Man Born Blind

Gary DeLashmutt
John 9:1-41

John describes the sixth miracle in a series of miracles that Jesus performed. Jesus heals a man that was born blind, but the Pharisees refuse to believe in Jesus and instead grow more stubborn against him. After Jesus claims he is the light of the world and reveals his identity, the healed man comes to recognize his healer as the Messiah, therefore receiving spiritual sight as well. Also includes an interview on spiritual bias from existentialist Jean Paul Sartre in 1974.

Abraham, Man Of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 17:18-19

God creates a covenant with the man Abraham. He establishes it as unconditional, meaning Abraham didn't have to do anything on his own power. After trying to take matters into their own hands, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, ultimately learn that faith means answering God's call and waiting on Him. Human effort and quick-fix solutions don't yield the results God intends.

Feeding a Multitude

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 55:1-3

Jesus fed more than 5,000 people with one man's lunch, and he claims to be God. Jesus offers us spiritual food that will satisfy our deepest spiritual needs. Jesus made it clear that he is the savior of humanity, and that salvation comes through him.

An Anchor for the Soul

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 6:9-20

Each person desires an anchor for hope that is steadfast and unchanging. God's promises, which He swears by Himself, are the sort of foundation that we are looking for. Perseverance in acting on these truths with strengthen our hope. A woman named Teresa shared her testimony about learning real hope through suffering


Jim Leffel
Hebrews 10:26-31

The author of Hebrews gives a warning against "falling away" or to "go on sinning willfully" that might seem to threaten the idea of eternal security. In one case, the author is speaking of those who are convinced of spiritual truth but never choose to become believers. In the other case, the author is saying that those who keep on rejecting Jesus cannot be saved until they change their minds. Ultimately, faith for true believers has real content and is based on a concrete decision.

Jesus Heals a Royal Official's Son

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3:20

Jesus called on a royal officer to trust him to heal his son. The royal officer put his faith in Jesus' ability to heal, and Jesus healed his son. We are called to put our faith in God as we move forward in life based on the ways He has provided for us and revealed Himself to us.

The Visit of the Magi

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 2:1-16

Magi learned of Jesus' birth and went out looking for him. After following a star, they found Jesus and gave him gifts. The visit of the Magi displays three ironic reactions to Christ's birth. With Herod, there was a paranoid hostility resulting from how he projected his own abusive power onto the one who came to save him. With the chief priests and scribes, there was an indifference that resulted from being too "good" to make time for the Messiah. Finally, the magi displayed a humble seeking. Even though they knew the least about the Messiah, they found him when they looked.