Bearing Fruit (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:19-25

Fruit of the Holy Spirit includes a growing interest and capacity for goodness, kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness. Goodness implies that we are working to meet others needs as a way of life, as we understand the immense value God has for them. Christians excelling in kindness and gentleness are rich in empathy towards others and are often sought out by others during tough times. Those who are faithful will engage in God's work based on facts and faith, in spite of how they might feel in the present moment and are very reliable in the lives of others.

Faith in Practice

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 11:13-40

The lives of Joseph and Moses reflect lessons for those eager to serve God. The life of Joseph was one of intense suffering while simultaneously trusting that God would ultimately provide for him, despite being imprisoned, sold into slavery by his family members, and being forgotten. During Moses' life, he gave up privilege to serve alongside God's people despite not immediately seeing success. Both Joseph and Moses had to encounter immense times of waiting on God, something that helps cultivate trust and dependence on Him to come through.

Abraham: Man of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 11:6-19

Abraham's live was exemplified in his faith in God. It was first seen as he left his secure home in Ur, and then deepened as he was forced to wait for God to fulfill His promise even while he was very old in age. It was epitomized as he was willing to trust God and sacrifice his son, Isaac. In each instance, God allowed Abraham to wait on Him, in order to cultivate a deeper trust and dependence on God to fulfill what He promised. The same pattern can be helpful for Christians today as they try and deepen their faith.

Lessons on Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 4:2-10

Biblical faith is founded on the assurance that God finely-tuned the universe at His command. Walking by faith includes remembering God's desire for the heart rather than outward works, as evidenced by the story of Cain and Abel. This account reveals Abel's humble dependence contrasted with Cain's works mentality before God. Developing a humble trust and responsiveness to God's calling is essential in the life of faith.

What is Faith?

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 11:1-6

Biblical faith is not wishful, forceful, or emotional thinking, but is rooted in a confident assurance of the object of our faith, in this case Jesus Christ. Biblical faith is convinced of the unseen reality that God exists, is good, and is worth trusting to the point of personal action. Faith is the basis for a personal relationship with Christ, and is God's ideal for how we follow Him, as it cultivates dependence and trust in Him over self.

Two Indicatives and Five Imperatives

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 10:26-31

After thoroughly explaining how the cross was more than sufficient, the author now moves on in his argument to results of the cross. These results benefit humanity immensely. People can now: 1) come to God in prayer with confidence, 2) have assurance of the future, 3) think of others before themselves, 4) fellowship with one another, and 5) give and receive encouragement.

Paul: Revolutionary of Grace

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:10-2:10

Paul combats the Judaizers by defending the message of the Gospel of God. Paul uses his own personal testimony as direct revelation of God and evidence for the real life-transforming power of grace, which not only transformed his motivation but was also accepted by the apostles of Jesus Christ. The grace of God called Paul into a life of radical service for God and others, reflecting God's compassion and mercy towards a zealous sinner. It also cost Paul much of what he once thought was valuable, as the message of grace showed him that God's purposes were bigger. This teaching also includes a testimony by Mary Barnum highlighting the offensiveness of the gospel message.

Overcoming Spiritual Sloth

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3:1-6

In Jesus' letter to the church in Sardis, he rebukes them for being spiritually asleep. They have relied on their reputation and stopped seeking to spread the message of Christ to people in need. Like this church, becoming spiritually complacent in our own life can be dangerous towards our effectiveness for Christ and personal growth. Luckily, Jesus gives a treatment plan for this struggle. He calls the church to wake up, repent, and embrace a life of faith expressing itself through love.


Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 1:1-2:3

An unknown author writes this letter to Jewish Christians to explain the significance of Jesus Christ. God has revealed Himself through prophecy and various ways, but in the New Testament He has been revealed through Jesus, who is the incarnation of God in human form who went to take on the penalty of humanity's sin. The superiority of Jesus gives the basis for living according to the New Testament principles as opposed to the Old Covenant prior to the cross. Continuing to live by the Old Testament is a failure to recognize the importance of Jesus' sacrifice.