Everything is Going According to Plan Part Two

Chris Hearty
Romans 11:1-36

Paul continues his argument that God's plan for Israel has not failed. On the contrary, it is bigger than anyone could have imagined. Anyone who believes, and receives the free gift of salvation, becomes a part of God's grand plan. God has neither forgotten not rejected Israel. He will in due time return His attention to restoring Israel.

Easter/The Resurrection

Ben Foust
1 Corinthians 15:1-58

Paul explains to the Corinthian church the importance of the resurrection to the Christian faith-- a historical event corroborated by substantial evidence. Because of Jesus' resurrection, believers in Christ can be confident that we too will one day be raised to eternal life with him.

God's Covenant with Abraham

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 12:1-3

Find out why many scholars think the Abrahamic Covenant is the most important passage in the Bible and why God picked Abraham. God did the heavy-lifting in this bilateral treaty but Abraham responded in faith to His initiative. What is our response to God's initiation in our lives?


Mike Sullivan
Genesis 12:1-15:6

The story of Abraham demonstrates how unlikely people can be used by God for great things when they have a willingness to act on God's truth while depending on God to perform His will. Like Abraham, everyone can receive right standing with God and participate in His plan when they put their faith in Him.

Friends of God

Chris Hearty
Romans 5:0

Faith is not a blind leap but a trusting in God and His promises. We can boldly enter the throne room of grace if we have been declared righteous by faith in Jesus Christ. While we were still sinners, God made a way for us to be friends with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Now that we are friends with God, we can rejoice and have peace in all circumstances.

Defining Faith

Conrad Hilario
Romans 4:1-25

Paul explains that Biblical faith is not based on good works, ritual, or law, but rather it is a willingness to act, based on God's truth, while trusting in His promises. Using Abraham as an example, Paul illustrates that that is how people have been credited as righteous before God from the very beginning until today. We, too, are not only saved by this type of faith, but it is also the key to spiritual growth.

What is Biblical Faith?

James Rochford
Romans 4:1-25

Paul uses the Old Testament to demonstrate that salvation is by faith, not by works. He cites Abraham who God considered righteous because of his faith, not his good works, the performance of rituals, ethnic heritage, or following of God's law. It is the same today; we are saved through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, from first to last.

Abraham's Faith

Scott Risley
Romans 4:1-21

Paul uses the Old Testament to demonstrate that salvation is by faith and not by works. He cites the life of Abraham who, the Bible says, was found righteous because of his faith, not because of his good deeds, obedience to the law, or following rituals. It is the same today; we are saved when we put our trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ. We are saved by faith, from first to last.

Our Problem, God's Solution

Scott Risley
Romans 3:9-30

Paul explains humanity's problem with God--that all have fallen short of God's perfect standard and deserve judgment. Now he transitions to explaining God's solution to our problem: forgiveness through faith in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. When we place our trust in Christ we are freely forgiven and can enjoy humble unity with one another.