The God Who Is Faithful

James Rochford
Exodus 1:1-2:10

The Exodus narrative of Moses being rescued from the Nile River to become second in command of Egypt is the story of the God who is faithful. Biblical faith is trusting the God who is trustworthy even through suffering and persecution, with our plans, with our doubts, when we cannot see the full picture, and for the future. Moses' mother demonstrated biblical faith when she placed Moses in the basket and entrusted him to God.

A "Post-Covid" Missiology:Three Ongoing Realities

Ed Stetzer
Exodus 1:1-2:10

Ed Stetzer, an expert in missiology, or the study of the church's mission to share the message of the Gospel, shares three realities of the Covid 19 pandemic that impact the church's work. First, Covid has caused a cultural convulsion that has rocked peoples' trust in institutions, politics, and even one another. Second, Covid is adding fuel to a Great Sort that is happening in society. People, in their disorientation are seeking security in groups who agree with their views, leading to an "us against them" mentality. Third, Covid is revealing layers of disengagement. Churches are finding their members either becoming more committed, or hanging on and waiting to see, or disconnecting altogether.

Leading through Uncertainty: Lessons from Nehemiah

Shane Coulter
Nehemiah 8:1-17

Times of crisis, fear, and uncertainty present unique challenges and opportunities for servant leaders. Nehemiah offers us an example of how we too can be bold, faithful and loving in the midst of overwhelming and uncertain times. The effective servant leader will cling to prayer, be bold in the face of opportunities, be creative in the face of setbacks, and will see opportunity in upheaval.

Doubting God

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 15:1-21

Abraham receives a phenomenal promise from God, and even though Abraham believed God, he also had his doubts. Likewise, we often wrestle with doubt when our experience doesn't seem to line up with God's promises. When we are honest with God about our doubts like Abraham, God may offer us assurance and can use our doubts as an opportunity to grow our faith.

Battling Discouragement in Ministry

Doug O'Malley
Genesis 15:1-21

A life dedicated to ministry requires perseverance. There are times of discouragement, deep pain, and failure. Whether it is seeing friends say no to God or facing our own personal weaknesses and failure, doing ministry is tough. How do we face setbacks and discouragement in ministry faithfully? How can we learn not to give up during times of discouragement but actually thrive and grow?

The Ways of Knowing

Jim Leffel
Deuteronomy 6:4-8


James Rochford
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

Paul is writing to the church in Corinth, which had become cynical. What are the dangers of cynicism in the Christian life? It distorts our view of truth, it leads to pride, and it ultimately suggests that we know better than God does. A historical look at cynicism and modern day examples are reviewed to understand the damage it can cause.

Jesus Hides in Plain Sight

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 118:22-26

Jesus' teachings have not left any comfortable middle ground for those listening; his claims are so explicit that they are polarizing. The Festival of Booths was designed to represent the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the coming of the Messiah. Jesus gets up to preach at this festival and claims he is the fulfillment of the prophecy about the Christ. As a result, the religious leaders rejected him, the disciples came to him, and Nicodemus sought to understand the truth.

Abraham: The Man of Faith

James Rochford
Genesis 12-17

What is biblical faith? Is there a difference between biblical faith and blind faith? Is there room for doubt? Why do some people have more faith than others? Can we grow in our faith in God? Examining key events in the life of Abraham helps us answer these questions and learn what true faith looks like.