Elijah's Departure
Gary DeLashmutt
2 Kings 2:1-12
After God lifted Elijah out of a state of deep spiritual depression, He called on Elijah to anoint Elisha to succeed him as prophet. Elisha becomes Elijah's protege and helper. Many years pass, and Elijah knows that the time has come for him to depart from this world. Elisha travels with Elijah as he goes from place to place, and remains with him until God takes Elijah away. From this portion of the story, we learn about an aspect of his career that was not so dramatic, though exceedingly important: his investment in discipleship relationships. This teaching focuses on the importance developing deep friendships as a means of spiritual growth. In addition, we get a glimpse of Elisha's character as he enters into the position of filling Elijah's shoes, and discuss some of the possible reasons for the unusual and dramatic end to Elijah's career.