Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

James Rochford
1 Corinthians 15:3-20

Does it matter if Jesus rose from the dead? The apostle Paul argues that it's of utmost importance and central to our Christian lives! Can we know if the resurrection actually happened? A variety of evidence is presented, including from sources outside of the Bible: Josephus, Lucian, and Tacitus.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 22

The cross of Christ demonstrates God's unconditional commitment to our ultimate good. We also see that we are loved, valued, broken, and we have a choice to make.

Trinity Basics for Spiritual Conversations

Dave Schutter
John 3:16

The reality of the Trinity is an important truth both to support our discipleship and our evangelism. As we see Scripture's witness to God as the Trinity, we mature in our faith and grow in our confidence, which in turn helps our evangelistic conversations improve. Through studying the Trinity in Scripture, this doctrinal truth can become a truth that is both relational and relevant for us. This workshop helps us extract key truths about the Trinity from Scripture and consider how to thoughtful converse about this topic with non-Christians.

The Person of Jesus (Part 3) - Loving Anger

See Jesus Ministries
Mark 3:3-6

We find in the Bible that Jesus loves through his anger. Jesus embodies love and views people as they are meant to be seen. When Jesus gets angry it is because of injustice. Through the story of the man with the crippled hand we can follow Jesus' anger and learn how to love in anger.

The Person of Jesus (Part 2) - The Missing Person of Jesus

See Jesus Ministries
John 20:11-18

Often times we can forget to behold the beauty of the true Jesus that we are heading towards. Opening up the gospels to reengage with the real person of Jesus can lead us to rediscovery. We can discover him through the eyes of the authors. We can also discover how he interacts with people and creates the space they need to enter into a love relationship with him. As we follow and try to live like Christ, we will get to know him more deeply.

The Anonymous Servant

Mike Sullivan
Leviticus 16:14-15

Isaiah gives many prophesies about the Messiah who is to come. In his predictions about the anonymous servant, he reveals both a great ruler and one who endures great suffering. Common objections to Isaiah's prophesies are reviewed and refuted.

Jesus Hides in Plain Sight

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 118:22-26

Jesus' teachings have not left any comfortable middle ground for those listening; his claims are so explicit that they are polarizing. The Festival of Booths was designed to represent the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the coming of the Messiah. Jesus gets up to preach at this festival and claims he is the fulfillment of the prophecy about the Christ. As a result, the religious leaders rejected him, the disciples came to him, and Nicodemus sought to understand the truth.


Mike Sullivan
Colossians 3:13-15

Isaiah predicts the coming of the Messiah and a few of the characteristics that he will have. What does it mean to have a savior who is the Prince of Peace, Mighty God, and Wonderful Counselor?

The Bread of Life

Ryan Lowery
John 6:1-68

The spiritual reality is most important. Humans want physical safety, comfort, and autonomy. God wants for us to have eternal security, meaning, and community. Some of those who had witnessed Jesus' miracles wrongly assumed that he was performing these signs for entertainment and to meet their desires. Jesus wanted them to see that there is something they need that is far more powerful than the physical: a relationship with God Himself. True followers of Christ should not have conditions on their obedience and commitment to Jesus but are called to trust him fully. God will provide what we need to obey, as we step out to serve Him.