
Dennis McCallum
Philippians 2:7-8

The God of the Bible is unique in His desire to communicate and to have a personal relationship with humanity. The most profound way in which He has done this is by choosing to come personally to Earth in the person of Jesus Christ. The person of Christ ushered in a way of relating to God that is far superior to following rules and laws: that is grace.

God's Final Word

Scott Risley
Hebrews 1:1-2:3

An introduction to an overview of Hebrews as well as discusses the supremacy of Christ and His superiority over the OT prophets, high priests, sacrifices and angels. God has spoken in many times and ways but now He has spoken FINALLY through His Son. Will you ignore His final revelation or will you pay careful attention to what He has said so you don't drift away?

God's Ultimate Self Disclosure

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 2:4-11

Despite its unknown author and somewhat obscure background, the book of Hebrews opens with a bold and clear claim that God has spoken to humanity, first through the prophets and ultimately through Jesus Himself. God desires to reveal Himself to His creation, and Jesus is the exact representation of God's very nature. He is both fully God and fully human, and His incarnation demonstrates God's humility in a powerful example for Christians and non-Christians alike.

Jesus' Unique Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 1:18-25

The birth of Jesus removes itself from being considered a myth by being deliberately lodged in history. This means that God really did come down in human form. There are several reasons that God did this: 1) to provide evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, fulfilling all of the prophecies along the way; and 2) to provide salvation for the human race as a substitute. This knowledge prompts the response of entrusting ourselves to God.

The Birth of Jesus

Jim Leffel
Luke 2:1-14

The circumstances of Jesus' birth are in one sense obscure, but in another, fulfilled prophecy of eternal importance--that of the awaited Messiah. While it was not the fulfillment people expected, it demonstrates God's willingness to extend a solution to people's greatest need--forgiveness--allowing them to enter into a relationship with God.

Cries of Anguish

Conrad Hilario
Mark 15:33-36

My God, my God; why have you forsaken me? Why were these words spoken by Christ on the cross? Christ experiences separation from the Father in order to pay for the sins of the world. This Psalm details the event of the Messiah's death at the hands of His enemies.

The Case for Christ

Lee Strobel
Mark 15:33-36

The evidence to the question, ?Did Jesus return from the dead?? is summarized and points to: 1) an execution ? Jesus was dead, 2) early accounts recorded immediately after the event, 3) an empty tomb, and 4) eyewitness reports in 9 ancient sources. Those who do not yet believe Jesus returned from the dead owe it to themselves to examine the evidence.

The Uniqueness of Christ

Jim Leffel
Mark 15:33-36

Jesus made a unique claim that he was God in human form. He also claimed he was the Messiah, son of God who would save the world. The possibilities of who Jesus was include: 1) self-deceived or mentally ill, 2) a liar and conspirator, 3) a legend, or 4) the promised savior of humanity. The evidence is the critical variable in determining who he was.

Experiencing the Fullness of Christ

Conrad Hilario
Romans 6:11

Paul writes to combat and dismantle the false Gnostic teachings that were circulating within the Colossian church. Paul warns them to not be taken captive by the false ideologies. From the early church until now, Christianity's central truths have been attacked and infiltrated by various philosophies. This is why we need to be grounded in the Word and know our new identity in Christ.