Acts by Scott Risley (2017)

How Peter Knew That Acts 10 Was God's Will

Photo of Scott Risley
Scott Risley

Acts 11:1-18


Peter's response to God's will in the moment when it comes to baptizing new believers in Christ. How can we find-out from God what His will is in our own lives?

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If you were here last week you as the apostle Peter in Acts 10 do something totally scandalous. First of all, he went into the home of some non-Jews, and then he told a whole room full of non-Jews about Jesus, and then, get this, when everyone in the room believed in Jesus, he baptized every one of them, said welcome to the church, and then spent the weekend there. News of this, bender, this Rumspringa, spreads like wildfire to the conservative Jews down near Jerusalem. When he gets back to Jerusalem, he’s got some explaining to do.

The apostles and the believers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him and said, “You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them.”

But then he goes on to explain why everything he did was exactly what God wanted; why he is fully convinced of that. And that is what we have in Acts 11, we have Peter recounting why he thinks what happened in Acts 10 was right in line with the will of God. This is one of the unique things about Christianity. We have a God who has a will. It’s kind of unique when it comes to world religions, and yet we see all throughout the pages of scripture that there are certain things that God wants to happen. Further, His will is not something He is trying to hide from us. There are things He doesn’t reveal, but there is a lot that He does. He reveals his will to humans, and He doesn’t just have a general will, things He’d like to see happen, things He’s doing, but He also has a will for you, and how you can be involved in what He is doing in this rescue plan to save humanity to save the world from sin and death. He doesn’t force His will on us either. He gives you a choice, a choice as to whether you want to follow His will or to reject His will, or just to ignore it which is really the same as rejecting. This is interesting because this is relevant for us. I’d be willing to bet that there are people here in this room who are wrestling with what is God’s will in one or multiple areas of their life, maybe some pretty important areas. Maybe some of us have it all figured out, and if that’s the case then congratulations, but I bet you there are a lot people here who are trying to sense and discern God’s will. You should pay attention, because we are going to read through Acts 11, we are going to read through relatively quickly. We are going to point out various things that Peter points to that lead him to believe that he was following God’s will the whole way. We are going to see multiple signposts converging into a clear picture. After, we are going to talk some about how this is relevant for our lives.

Signposts for Discerning God’s Will

Starting from the beginning, Peter told them the whole story: “I was in the city of Joppa praying,

That’s a pretty good starting point if you want to know the will of God, prayer. This is where we stop and listen to what God might be saying, we ask God questions about his will for our lives. God wants a relationship. Psalm 62:1 says, “My soul waits in silence for God.” This is where we quiet down, where we listen to God, to ask him questions, we allow God to guide our questions, we talk to God about recent developments in the area where we are seeing His will. Sometimes it can take months or years to really get clarity on His will. What he wants you to do is to stay tuned in, to watch, to talk with him about the things you see unfolding. He wants to teach you some things as he unfolds His will for your life, He wants to teach you wisdom. And that is what Peter is doing, He’s looking for a chance, he ducks up to the roof top to pray. Peter says, 

and in a trance I saw a vision. I saw something like a large sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to where I was.

We talked about all this last week, but notice the parts that he is recounting, he says that he saw a vision. This is another way God reveals his will, visions and dreams. Remember what Peter said in Acts 2? The prophet Joel predicted that in these latter days when God’s Spirit is alive in a new way through his church, he says, ‘your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’ This is a pretty direct, obvious and blatant way that God sometimes speaks to his people. You do see this in scripture, it’s pretty unusual. It doesn’t seem to happen that often. It seems like times when it’s really important, maybe someone’s life is on the line or time is of the essence, or God is doing something really big, God will deliver a vision. Even sometimes these visions, they can be kind of hard to interpret. It’s hard to know what they mean. I would say that if you get one of these, well, that’s pretty cool. You should pay attention to that. Peter says,

I looked into it and saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles and birds. Then I heard a voice telling me, ‘Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.’ “I replied, ‘Surely not, Lord! Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.’

He is recounting his reluctance to get on board with the vision that he got.

“The voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’ This happened three times, and then it was all pulled up to heaven again.

He recorded the rebuke he got from the Lord. Then he says,

Right then three men who had been sent to me from Caesarea stopped at the house where I was staying.

We see another way that God is revealing His will to Peter. He is doing it through prayer, he is doing it through a vision, and then, we see this diving appointment. This is where God takes person A and person B and he gets them to cross paths right at the same time. Some people might feel like this is a coincidence that these people happen to show up at the same time, but the spiritually sensitive person might look a little deeper and say, ‘God is doing something here.’ Then he says, 

The Spirit told me to have no hesitation about going with them.

This is a little different from that vision that he got. This is what we will call inner spiritual prompting. It’s maybe a voice that Peter heard, but I know when I get these it is more like an impression, it’s almost like God is writing thoughts to my brain and I know that they are not from me, I know they are coming from Him. As we mature in the Lord, we learn to recognize these, we learn to listen to these, we come to rely on these, we look for the ‘still small voice’ of the Holy Spirit and He will guide us in various ways in our lives. Again, I’m going to point out that none of these are definitive in and of themselves. We can be deceived pretty easily. We can miss God’s signs that he is sending to us. We are stubborn and we see what we want to see, and yet this can be a powerful way of knowing God’s will. Peter says,

These six brothers also went with me, and we entered the man’s house.

He brought six guys with him, and they had come back to Jerusalem to verify his story.

[This man Cornelius] told us how he had seen an angel appear in his house and say, ‘Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter. He will bring you a message through which you and all your household will be saved.’

We see another point here. Peter got a vision that some guys were going to send for him. Meanwhile, Cornelius got an angel that gave him some instructions as well. We saw this with Paul and Ananias in Acts 9 as well. This is what we call correlated leading. Two people, two Christians (although Cornelius doesn’t seem to be a Christian yet), will be thinking something, they both will be coming to the same conclusions, they will go to talk about it, and they have been having the same thoughts. You see this happening on home church leadership teams, for example. When a couple of different leaders will key in on one issue all at the same time, or a few different people will feel led to do something. They will all start talking about it and they will realize God has been speaking to each one of them about this. You’ll even find that each person has different relevant information to pull off the move that God is call them to make. So, we see God leading Cornelius, leading Peter and they are meeting in the middle at Cornelius’s house. Peter preached his sermon,

“As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them as he had on us at the beginning.

Remember what happened in Acts 2? The Holy Spirit fell on all the Jewish believers? This happens for the Gentiles as well. We see pretty obvious spiritual fruit being borne. We see God’s Spirit getting behind this move that Peter made. If this is not something we should be going along with, then why did God give them the Holy Spirit? This is something where you look at a move or something you are doing and if you see God’s Spirit is behind this, actual objective fruit seems to be borne here, I would keep trying to do more of that, I would take that as a sign that this is from the Lord. Now it is possible that there could be pseudo-fruit, something that looks like it’s from the Lord, but it fades away. That’s why it might be helpful to get some opinions of other mature believers, but it’s not every day that got puts his Spirit behind something, and when He does, I would be reluctant to mess with that. I would keep trying to get more and more behind what he is doing. In other words, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Peter says, ‘I really think God was in this because of the immediate and obvious spiritual fruit that it bore. God was affirming this.’

Then I remembered what the Lord had said: ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’

What is he doing here? He is quoting the words of Jesus that he told the apostles. Peter was there for his statement. We weren’t there for the words of Jesus, but what we do have today is scripture. Any leading God gives us is going to be totally consistent with His scripture. The person that really wants to know the will of God is going to look to the scriptures for principles and direct statements. If I am trying to discern God’s will in an area, my mind is indexing through the scriptures that I know, trying to think about which scriptures might be relevant. I am going to other mature believers who know the scripture, asking them what they think is relevant in this situation, trying to evaluate if this is from the Lord or not. In fact, there are some areas where we don’t even need to ask for guidance from God, we don’t need a vision because God has already spoken clearly in his word.

The believer might be like “Oh Lord, send me a sign, should I spend time everyday getting into your word? Lord, I need a vision!” And God said, I already sent you a sign, it’s called 1 Peter 2:2, what do you think I mean by that?”

We say, “Oh Lord! Should I steal?” And God says, “Thou shalt not steal.”

“Oh God, I’m so depressed, I don’t know what to do, I need a sign, a voice from the heavens!” God says, “Why don’t you look at Acts 20:35? Where it says that ‘it is better to give than to receive.’ Are you trying to give? Or are you taking? Are you thinking that the more you take the better you’ll feel? I said, ‘love one another and your joy will be complete.’ You wonder why you’re depressed, why don’t you try practicing a lifestyle of love, like Jesus lived, like he called on us to live, you might be surprised how that affects your life, affects your emotional life.

There are certain areas where God gives clear guidance. But there are other areas where it’s not as clear, there are more complex decisions. Peter says that what happened here was right in line with scripture. Later, when they are debating this issue, they quote more scripture from the Old Testament. They start to piece together how this was God’s plan all along, to go to the Gentiles. Peter says,

So if God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could stand in God’s way?”

That’s a good question. God has a way he wants to go, and Peter says, ‘we can either get on board of it, or we can get in the way of it.’ He says he would rather get on board with it. Finally,

When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, “So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

On top of all the points that Peter has already made, we see an additional one added onto here. And that is, counsel from other Christians. He lays out the details of what happened to this group of believers in Jerusalem. I don’t know who was there, I don’t know how mature they were, it does mention the apostles being present there back in verse 1 as those who heard about what happened. There were probably some mature believers here, it’s hard to tell how mature the circumcision party was, we’ll see more from them later. He lays the facts out and he says, ‘what do you guys think,’ and they’re like, ‘wow, this actually looks like the real deal.’ Seeking counseling from other Christians, relying on the witness of the body of Christ, the Christian community can be another important way that we can discern God’s will. Mature Christians is the key here, some people know exactly how to go to the person who is just going to agree with them. Peter didn’t seek input just from the Gentile Christians on what they thought about this move, he went to the ones who were the most likely to offer a different perspective and they still said that it looked pretty good.

God Will Relates Primarily to His Rescue Plan

We see a number of different factors here, all converging, and I just want to make a few observations here and talk about how this applies to our lives. One thing that I notice as I look over this chapter is that God doesn’t weigh in on every decision in our lives. There were tons of decisions that Peter made that God didn’t really have anything to say about. He got no vision from the heavens as to what color tunic he should wear that day. He had no input from the Lord on how to go from Joppa up to Caesarea, by boat or by land. God didn’t really care. There are certain things that God seems to care about. Every day, we make thousands of decisions. A lot of them are pretty automatic. If you think about it, every day you are making decisions about what you are going to do, where you are going to be. For a lot of those, God gives us complete freedom. These are non-moral decisions, what color sock, what to eat, things like that. But, God does have a lot more to say about things in our lives related to this rescue plan that he is carrying out for humanity and the mission that he has given us to be a part of that. This rescue plan is why he sent Jesus, his one and only son to earth. To live the perfect life and to die for our sins, and as a result, it says in Ephesians,

Ephesians 2:8--God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.

Counter to all of religious, all of man-made religion which says you do, and then you get blessed for it, this is the opposite, you just put your trust in Christ because you can’t do. You can’t do it! He did it though. You can’t take credit for anything. Religion is always prone to boasting, to pride, and he says, ‘you can’t take credit for anything,’ it is a gift God gives you when you put your trust in Jesus. That is an offer he makes available to you tonight. Put your trust in Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness of sins as a gift that you can’t take credit for. Trusting him. This was the message they were supposed to go to the Gentiles with, that he had to get the crowbar out and pry them out of Jerusalem, to go to the Gentiles and the Samaritans as well. If you are a Christian, this is God’s will for your life, telling people about him. If you are non a Christian, his will for you is to receive Christ before you think about anything else related to God’s will. But look what he says then,

Ephesians 2:10--For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

God has good things planned for you to do related to this rescue plan. Of course, before you are going to even think about doing those good things, you need to be created anew first. But after that point, God’s will is for you to serve him by carrying his love to other people. That should be the all-consuming passion in your life. We saw that from Saul a couple of weeks ago, we see that from these early Christians. There are certain decisions in our life that are more directly related to our ability to carry about this plan. When we get to the end of our lives, our lives are very short, you are going to be there before you know if, you are going to be standing before God after your death and he is going to ask, ‘what did you do with what I entrusted to you? How did you live for eternity, not for the world that was perishing, but how did you lay up treasures in heaven? (In the words of Jesus). God is going to evaluate you based on that, so that is the most important thing in our lives.

Our Role in Seeking God’s Will

What is interesting too, even though we see God chasing down Peter and God initiates in your life, God gives us a role to play as well in seeking his will. Jesus says, ‘whoever seeks will find,’ but one thing that I see in Peter is that it really seems like he was predisposed to follow the will of God. You see this affirmation from Peter numerous times in the gospels, he’s like, ‘I’ll do anything, I’ll follow you anywhere, where else am I to go?’ Of course, he says those things, his actions later become apparent that he wasn’t completely sold out. But if you go to God and you go looking for his will but you’ve already decided ahead of time that you’re not going to follow him, or you’re deciding, ‘well, let’s see what it is first and then I’ll decide if I’m going to follow.’ God is just not that interested in that kind of conversation. I don’t know if you’ve ever had a conversation with somebody where they seek you out and you spend awhile talking about what they should do in a situation and you get to the end of the conversation and you realize that they already had their mind made up the whole time, it doesn’t matter what I say. What a waste of time, I never would have had that conversation if I would have known. Well, God is a little different from us, he can see people’s hearts, he can see if they have determined ahead of time, so he just avoids that talk all together. Some people who are having a hard time seeing the will of God, maybe it is because you have not determined ahead of time that you are going to follow him.

Honestly, this is something that we can pray for. We see Peter stop to pray, stopping to listen, that is when God showed up and started speaking, it’s almost like God was like, ‘I was waiting for you to shut up, I was waiting for you to stop so I could start talking, I was waiting for you to sit and listen to me.’ That is what God is saying for some of us. It’s like he is sitting there on the couch and we are just zipping into the room and he can’t get a work in edgewise. He’s like, “I’ll wait until you want to sit down and talk to me.” One thing we can do during these prayer times is we can do what Jesus did in the garden of gethsemane where he said, “Father, not my will, but yours be done.” He was kind of steeling his will before God and working himself over to a place of willingness. A lot of times, we think we can’t see the will of God but the truth is, if we spent less time praying, ‘what am I supposed to do?’ and more time saying, ‘God, I want to commit to follow your will no matter what, not my will, but yours be done.’ What you might find is you already know what you need to do, you just haven’t wanted to do it. I have found that in my life, time and time again.

Another thing I see from Peter is that he took action as God revealed each step. Remember how this whole thing started? He went up to Lydda to do some ministry there and that was going pretty good, God was affirming that. Then he got a message from a little further out, he goes out there, God works through him there, a lot of spiritual activity is happening. And then, God’s like, ‘I want you to go up there next, to Caesarea.’ HE goes, and it isn’t until he gets there that he sees what God wants from him. Following God is that way, it feels like we are in a fog and you’ve got a lamp, and you can maybe see right in front of you, but you can’t see what lies beyond in the fog, it can be pretty frustrating actually, especially when the fog sits there for year. There are sometimes when you can’t even see to take a step and you’ve got to just wait there, and that’s rough, I’ve been there, I kind of am there right now in several things in my life. God says, ‘look, just take the next step when I show you.’ It’s as we take these steps that God moves us along into his will. It’s an act of trust. There are sometimes where, honestly, if God showed us, if he lifted the fog, and showed us what was sitting 100 steps away, we would freak out, we would be so terrified, but part of it is that along the way he draws us close to him as we sit in the confusion. Peter has predetermined to follow, he is stopping to pray, but he is taking action as God reveals the next step in the plan. He is moving, God will steer a moving ship, he won’t start steering the boat until it gets off the dock. Some of us are just too scared to act. You need to step out and at least take the step that you know, even if it is a step to further investigate, you need to do it.

Ways that God Speaks

Another thing you see in this passage is all of the different ways that God speaks. We saw a lot of different variety in how God was speaking to Peter. I think it kind of funnels down into several questions we can ask ourselves if we’re wanting to figure out God’s will for our lives.

Has God spoken directly? We saw God doing that in a number of different ways, one way God does that, like we said, is through scripture. Maybe we need to learn the word, maybe we need to talk to somebody else who might know some scriptures that are relevant to the situation that we are facing. Sometimes the way God speaks through scripture is that you show up for CT and the topic so happened to be one that you really needed to hear, and God speaks to you through his word in that way. It is not just a coincidence; God is active in your life.

Sometimes God will speak through prayer. Some of us, maybe we need to get more serious about carving out time for prayer in our daily schedules. I think the earlier in the day you can put this in, the better, because other things will be likely to crowd this out. I know it’s not possible for some of us. Spend time in prayer and sometimes through prayer God might speak through these inner promptings, maybe you’re one of the one that is going to get some sort of a vision or a dream. I haven’t had too many of those in my life, I’m still not even sure it was. Prayer is where we stop, and we listen to God. We need to do that.

Also, sometimes God might directly speak through circumstances that he is arranging. Maybe it’s through that correlated leading where you and a friend were both having the same thought, that might be a sign from God that maybe he is leading in the same direction. Maybe there are divine appointments that God is arranging. I remember my first day of grad school, first year. I am praying, God I pray that I could meet someone in one of these classes who is spiritually interested. I go and there is an empty seat next to this guy, I plop down, I strike up a conversation with him, I start trying to talk to him and I am just getting deadpan, okay. I was computer science, so that’s kind of the norm, alright? Not a real social bunch. The next day, the same seat is open, but I look and there is another seat open next to another guy, I plop down there, strike up a conversation, we end up becoming really good friends. He was a Christian that was not walking with God, he joins our home church, become a worker, his wife moves here, they’re married now, they have been serving God now for many years in this church. It was not a coincidence that I ran into that guy. Next year, first day of grad school, I go out to the student involvement fair, we set up a little booth, I try to talk to people and don’t really get anywhere. I am asking God if there is any one there who is interesting in spiritual things. We got one contact information; somebody was interested in coming to home church. She comes to home church; it looks like she is having a horrible time the whole time. We are driving her home, me and my future wife, we were just friends at the time though. We are driving her home and she’s like, ‘that was amazing.’ She has never stopped coming since. She has brought several people who became Christians, they brought several people, she is a home church leader who has planted multiple groups in high school and college. I had no way of knowing of the thousands of people who went through the oval that day that she was the one I was supposed to talk to, and yet, God did. And he kind of arranged things. In hindsight, I can say that was God’s will.

Another question you can ask is this, what do other people think? This is where seeking counsel comes into play.

Proverbs 11:14 – in an abundance of counselors there is safety

It says in Proverbs 12, ‘the way of the fool is right in his own eyes, but the wise man seeks counsel.’ When we go to seek counsel, some people are confused on this, they think they are seeking counsel because I am supposed to try and get someone else to make this decision. That is not the point of seeking counsel. When you seek counsel, you are trying to get yourself opened up to other perspectives, you are trying to get a full view of the situation because you are trying to make a wise decision. There are wisdom principles at play here. A lot of the decision making we do is not related to a sign from the heavens, but wisdom. What is the wisest course forward? What is the best chance of success in alignment with scriptural principles? This is why we don’t seek counsel from people who are just going to tell us what we want to hear. Somebody who doesn’t know the situation at all, I want to seek counsel from people who will give me a different perspective. The fool just accumulates counselors who will tell him what he wants to hear. I remember talking to a guy once who was living in our ministry house, I was in there too, and he was like, ‘I decided to get engaged this weekend.’ There was a girl he was dating who lived in another city, she seemed pretty questionable to me, of course he also was pretty questionable. I was like, ‘whoa, alright. Did you seek any counsel on that?’ He said yes, I asked who he talked to and he said, ‘Well mainly my girlfriend.’ I just thought, ‘this conversation is over.’ You just do what you want to do. If you just want to do what you want to do, don’t try and paint some veneer of spirituality over it, just say that you want to do it. We don’t need the hypocrisy around here. I do think it’s strange when people make big decisions and they haven’t sought any counsel. You see Peter getting the approval of the other believers, and a lot of scriptural teaching on this as well.

Here is another one; how does it relate to this rescue mission that we are talking about? There are certain decisions that will have a huge impact on your ability to do ministry. We will talk about this in a little bit, but things like, who I marry, pursuing different jobs, major purchases, where you live, things like that. Certain ministry decisions have a big impact and might have consequences for years and possibly decades. How closely does this decision relate to the mission that God has given me? That is something to consider. This is the question of, ‘is this thing bearing fruit already’ comes in. We need to be creative in our different ministry efforts, but when we try something, we need to evaluate it too, what kind of fruit is this bearing? We need to learn to think strategically. Some of us our super-spiritual, thinking it is fleshly to think strategically in any way. God wants us to bear fruit, fruit that remains. We can ask, ‘is this thing bearing fruit?’ Another question, which path is most likely to bear fruit? Sometimes you can’t tell what kind of fruit it is going to bear, but you can think, which direction is going to benefit the kingdom of God the most? This might be where a pros and cons list might come in handy, think it through, seek some counsel. This question is a good gauge of how important this decision is and how much time I need to spend thinking about it.

What about your own gifting and calling? Has God gifted you a certain way? Have there been signs that God has called you to a particular ministry or ministry field? If you have two ministry fields, one super responsive, one not, our philosophy has been to try to occupy the responsive field as much as possible because God has thrown wide open a door for effective service. You see Paul reasoning this way. He says in 1 Corinthians 16, he says he is going to stay at Ephesus longer because God has thrown open a door for service and there are a lot of adversaries. He isn’t staying there because the Holy Spirit was just telling him to, he just ‘had a feeling.’ He saw God moving there, things were happening, and there were threats. He couldn’t leave yet, he needed to see it through before moving on to the next place. He had a certain calling. Peter was very uniquely gifted for this thing that God called him to do there. He was the leader of the apostles, the guy with the keys to the kingdom, he was pretty well suited for this good work that God has stored up for him from before the foundations of the world.

Fourth and final, if you are not really getting much from these others, this is one we can ask, what do you want to do? Some of us thing, ‘well, if I want to do this then that must not be the will of God.’ Because God is bad, and he wants me to be miserable. Our own preferences really come into play on a lot on these, on things like ministry to pursue, friendships to pursue, areas like marriage, areas like career. These are all areas where, all things being equal, we’ve got certain preferences in these areas. I always felt like God was going to make me marry someone who is really ugly who I am not attracted to, I had these suspicions of him. I thought he would have me work a job that I hate. Why would you think that about God? Is he that sadistic? He has made you a certain way, with certain preferences, these preferences may need to be channeled and corrected in some cases. But at the same time, a lot of times they can be pretty legit. That is another thing to keep in mind as we are trying to figure out the will of God in a situation.

Big Decisions Where it is Important to Seek God’s Will

I want to spend a little bit of time in application. What are some decisions where it is especially important to seek God’s will? I mentioned some of these already. Things like seeking a job or a career can have a huge impact on your ability to serve God. Going after a career that is not going to be high paying enough, that will leave you working super long hours, that can be really destructive to your future family because you have to work so many hours just to scrape by and make ends meet. We should try to plan for a career. I am talking especially to you guys, I hope that we are thinking, when it comes to marriage and family someday, that we are trying to plan that mom, or at least one parent can stay home with those kids when they are little, when they really need the parent there at home. That means we will need to make enough money to support a family. Some jobs require tons of travel, some jobs are super demanding. Frankly, I wouldn’t want a job where I was making tons of money either, that can be pretty destructive. As the Proverbs say, ‘give me neither poverty nor riches.’ I don’t want poverty, otherwise I will be tempted to steal, I don’t want riches because otherwise I might say, ‘God who?’ Riches might actually be pretty bad for your spiritual life.

With this sort of thing, in my own life, at each step along the way, I just kept telling God, ‘Lord, I am coming up to a decision point, I have prayed you will show me what to do next.’ The way I ended up at Ohio State in the first place was actually kind of crazy. I actually grew up near Cincinnati. I had a full ride to UC and for some reason I ended up turning that down to come up here to Ohio State. I think part of what it was, I was lonely and kind of nerdy. I took this computer science course and found I had a real knack for it, I really enjoyed it. There was a dude in that class who was really cool and took this liking to me for some reason, I don’t know why. I found that I enjoyed doing that, programming, and this dude was like, ‘Hey, I need a roommate for Ohio State.’ This guy was a party boy, I think he thought if he roomed with me. he would study, which was not true. But he asked me to be his roommate and I was like, ‘Yeah!’ I had become a Christian that year and I was praying that God would guide me, I don’t think I realized at the time that was how God was guiding me up here. Through a strange series of events, my parents had a friend whose cousin went to Xenos and they got me out to a college group. Even through college, there were time where I would freak out and be like, ‘I don’t know what I am going to do when I graduate, I don’t know if I am cut out for this.’ I would have to just calm down and tell God, ‘I am going to trust you, show me what to do next.’ As I was getting down toward graduation I was like, ‘I kind of want to go to grad school, I kind of want to go and work, and so I took the GRE and I put out some applications. I didn’t get any job and I got exactly what I needed to get into grad school, and so I thought that was the way to go. Part of the reason I told God I went to grad school was that I liked teaching and wanted some experience. I got this sweet teaching position where I got paid, my full tuition, and I was a grad student and somehow, they assigned another grad student to grade my papers for me. I don’t know how I got that. I am getting into grad school and I wasn’t sure what to do. I was thinking that I might want to teach at a college, but all the options that I pursued there, the door slammed in my face, and I got this one job offer. I wasn’t making as much as I wanted to, but in hindsight I’m glad that I wasn’t making as much as the rest of my buddies. I got used to living on less. At each point along the way I feel like I asked God, I tried to do the things I needed to do, and I trusted that he would lead me into what I needed to do. At a certain point, he led me to leave my career and come to work for the church. At every step along the way I just felt like God was so clearly leading me. It wasn’t like I was looking that hard, but I was asking and trying to listen.

As we are thinking about jobs and careers, a list of pros and cons can be pretty good here. What are the pros and cons regarding the kingdom of God and benefits to what he is doing here? And then what are pros and cons with regard to my own comfort, my own bank account, my own prestige. Sometimes thinking that way can make it click. Various ministry decisions; I think it is important to pray to God about who we should reach out to in our class, in our job, there are a lot of options. When is it time to say, ‘Okay you have been coming to home church for a little while, maybe it is time to think about receiving Christ?’ If we are going to enter into a discipleship relationship, where I am meeting with a younger believer to help him grow, that a big decision, we want to be praying about that. Big purchases, buying a house, buys a car. I see people make really foolish decisions that lock them up with tons of debt that really limit their ability to serve God and bring a bunch of stress into their life. When getting a house, don’t go for the biggest house that the realtor will show you. The bank is going to loan you way more money than you can afford. They are basing it on two incomes. Consider how this will affect your life. I think seeking some counsel on this is good. Where to live is another important decision. Am I going to buy a place 30 minutes away from where my friends and my home church is?Or am I going to but something close? This is an important question.

Marriage Decision

Finally, I think this question of marriage is a big one on a lot of our minds. I am sure the majority of us here are unmarried. It is a big decision. It is hard to overestimate the importance of a marriage decision for your ability to serve God for the rest of your life. This is a permanent decision. It is going to be with you. Some people think they can just get divorced, that is another permanent decision. Talk to someone who has been divorced and see the permanent damage that has done. When it comes to marriage, I just wanted to share a few things as I was thinking about this. Proverbs 31 is good, it says, “charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting.” We are at a point in our lives where we probably look the best we are ever going to look. Also, your exposure to this person, it’s kind of limited compared to the 24/7 arrangement you are headed toward in marriage. What seems really fun and cute and charming for a couple of hours a week might seem a little bit annoying 168 hours a week. The fool just looks at the surface and is like, ‘well I’m sure God will support whatever decision I make.’ The wise person looks past these fleeting, deceptive, features.

We have to ask questions like these; what does the rest of the Christian community say about this person? That is important. I remember being in a dating relationship being so frustrated. I just felt like people were too critical of this girl I was dating; they were too hard on her. What I had to eventually realize is that they weren’t being ‘too hard on here, and that she was getting a raw deal, and if only people would believe in her,’ actually I had to realize that she had some problems. One of the hardest things to do in dating is to see the other people clearly, to see the negatives. It’s funny because in marriage one of the hard things is to see the positives sometimes, especially if the marriage is struggling. It’s hard to see things clearly and listing to what the rest of the body of Christ is saying about this person can be pretty helpful. Positive gossip or direct praise is a really good sign. That was something that I really felt like was true of my wife. There were girls constantly saying that they felt so loved by her, that they wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for her, people raving about her etc. That is a really good sign.

Looking for close same sex relationships is a really good piece of advice. It is one thing if this girl can be friends with guys or vice versa, because in all of these cross-sex relationships there is an underlying excitement that comes from relating to the opposite sex. You need to look for how they do with people where they don’t have that underlying romantic motivation. How do they do with people of the same sex? Are they able to love them? How do they do with their roommates? What do they think? What do the people who spend time with them say about them? This is the kind of thing to look for when it comes to selecting a spouse.

And finally, this piece of advice right here, you can’t marry someone for what you hope they will become. It’s not fair to them. It’s like, ‘I’ll only be happy if they change.’ That was a question that was put to me. This girl that you are dating, (because we had broken up after several years and I was thinking about getting back together with her) and one of my friends was like, “Look, let’s imagine that nothing about her changed. Would you be happy, or would you be disappointed?’ And I was like, “I would be disappointed.” Later when I was dating my wife and thinking about marrying her and I asked myself the same question. She had problems but I was thrilled, even if nothing about her changed because, to be honest, change in your spouse is very slow, if at all. If you’re demanding that they change it is going to go especially slow. If we can learn to accept the person and love them for who they are, we still want to see them grow, but if my happiness in this relationship demands on them being someone other than they are now, you are introducing something really unfair into the relationship.


In conclusion, God wants you to know his will for your life. He’s not trying to be sneaky or hiding. He is trying to make himself clear to you. Knowing the will of God is a great treasure, available to those who really want it. It’s not something to be taken lightly, it’s not something where we think, ‘that’s bad and I need to avoid that, God is trying to ruin my life,’ no, it is totally worth it when the God of the universe who is love reveals his will for your life, it’s got to be good for you. That’s what I want to leave you with, it’s totally worth it.

Psalm 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart.

I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that I am so thankful, I am so glad for all the times I chose to go along with God’s will. There were times when I tried to go off track, I feel like God chased me down and pointed me back in the right direction, I was so stubborn. God wants you to have that same experience.

He wants you to know how awesome it is to follow his will and he wants you to testify to others. 

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