Dwell Short-Term Trip to SEAsia

At the end of June, Dwell sent a 14-person team on a short-term trip to Southeast Asia to learn about God’s work in that part of the world and experience the culture. Dwell has been involved in mission work in Southeast Asia for decades, and God has been doing amazing work through our partners.


One of our trip highlights was spending time in a kampong (village). During our time in the village, we had the opportunity to learn about and experience the culture, teach English and medical skills to some school-aged children, and learn about daily life from our host families. A family member of some of the people in the village accompanied us and brought us to meet people and pray for them.

Another highlight was the end of the trip when we went on a retreat with the local leaders. We heard about the work that they are leading and how God is using them. We also prayed that God would continue to bless their work and provide for their families. It was incredibly refreshing to spend time with the body of Christ, discussing the ministry opportunities He has put in front of us, and sharing ideas of overcoming roadblocks to reaching groups of people. We spent a chunk of time on our final night with them doing a “Korean Style” prayer concert (everyone praying at once), where we prayed for God to bless them with new leaders, new groups, community leaders, good health, and great education.

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A couple of big themes that God pointed out to many of us on our trip were God’s huge heart for the people in Southeast Asia and the power of prayer. Most people in Southeast Asia believe in some higher power and feel a need for supernatural intervention. We felt amazed by the unique ways God revealed himself to people and enjoyed hearing the testimonies of people who had their hearts softened to Jesus Christ. 
