The Return of the King

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 19:1-20:6

John's vision shows Heaven cheering at the defeat of Babylon. The triumph of Christ causes worship and celebration. Satan is bound and thrown into a bottomless pit for a time (before he will need to be released again). This vision paints the picture of the ultimate celebration in Heaven, beginning with the return of Christ!


Jeff Gordon
Revelation 4:1-11

Worship is a recognition of God's power and holiness. It develops from a humility that is born of a recognition of our standing before God. John's description of the angels' worship in this passage displays that worship is meant to be continual and out of gratitude.

Features of a Transformed Community (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

A heart of prayer includes rejoicing, where we get excited about the things of God and offer praise to Him. It also means praying continually as we trust that He is faithful in any situation. Finally, it involves practicing gratitude in any circumstance.

Unshakeable Contentment

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 4:12-22

Paul expresses his gratitude to the Philippians for their generosity to support him financially. He expresses his ability to learn contentment in whatever the circumstances. Four principles are seen that have helped Paul be content: 1) being grateful for what he has; 2) remembering wealth is not a means to an end; 3) actively guarding the heart against greed; and 4) understanding generosity as a means to worship God.

The Woman at the Well

Scott Risley
John 4:1-42

Jesus breaks tradition by asking a despised Samaritan woman at Jacob's well for a drink of water. Knowing all about her, he offers her living water, exposes her sordid past, answers her theological questions and reveals his true identity. When she realizes he is the Messiah, she leaves her water jar behind, runs back to the city to tell everyone about Jesus, and many Samaritans come to faith because of her testimony. There is great joy in God working through you to impact others for Him!

From Outward to Inward

Dennis McCallum
John 2:13-22

Jesus enters Jerusalem and drives the money changers out of the temple as they are shaming God's house. Afterwards, he speaks about the temple being destroyed and being raised up three days later. Jesus' audience didn't understand that the "temple" he was referring to was his body that would rise again three days after his work on the cross. Jesus' message was to point out that people's issues weren't solved with outward conformity to formalism, but through an inward change of the heart through a relationship with him.

The Wedding at Cana

Dennis McCallum
John 2:1-11

The first of John's seven recorded signs that confirm Jesus' identity and ministry takes place at a wedding in Cana. Here, Jesus transforms water intended for external washing into wine for internal consumption. Through this miracle, Jesus is expressing a critique of formalism, or focusing on the external. Jesus' purpose was not to fix the external, but to deal with the internal issues of a person's heart. People often want to relate to God with rules and regulations as opposed to a real authentic relationship that He offers through Jesus.

The Lord's Prayer

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 6:5-8

Prayer is meant to be a personal communication with God, not meant to impress people.The template that Jesus lays out for prayer is to address it in terms of one's relationship with God, declare what is true about God, and then present requests to God. Jesus also teaches two important principles: 1) perseverance in prayer is important; and 2) prayer is good for us.


Lee Campbell
John 17:1-24

The Father glorifies Jesus by making him king; Jesus glorifies God by giving eternal life. Self-glory blinds us to God's glory, ruins relationships, and steals glory from God. God's glory results in an eternal relationship with God and an eternal relationship with others.