How to Fight the Lion

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 5:5-11

Peter describes three ways we should expect Satan to attack Christians and the resources God gives us to fend him off. 1) Satan tempts us to be prideful and God's "antidote" is humility through remembering and applying the gospel. 2) Satan tries to deceive us by killing or misdirecting your enthusiasm for God and God provides the bible and Christian community. 3) Satan tries to intimidate us and God allows us to stand firm in faith on the truth He has provided. Finally, Peter encourages Christians be watchful of Satan, but to keep their focus on Jesus.\r\n


Dennis McCallum
James 1:13-15

James warns on the temptations of the world and how we view them over God. Legitimate desires become lust when we look to them for meaning and happiness rather than God. When we view desires as solutions to our problems they become lusts and displace God. We have the option to admit our problems without blame-shifting, and to cling to God's Truth.

Overcoming Temptation

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 4:1-13

Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness; this event teaches us how we will be tempted and how to overcome temptation. Our essential weapon in overcoming temptation is knowing God's Word.

Dealing With Spiritual Evil (Part 3): The Battle Lines

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 5:8-9

In addition to other means of attack, Satan strikes at believers' consciences through seduction and temptation: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life. After they fall into sin, he accuses them to God and to themselves, leaving them feeling considerably remorseful. When believers choose to repent by basking in God's love, graciousness, and mercy, they can have a cleared conscience; they can be restored; and they can be confident in God's active transformational work in their heart. They also begin to have the freedom to desire what God desires.

Jesus Steps Out

Dennis McCallum
Mark 1:9-13

Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist reflected that he would take over the work that preceded him by the Old Testament prophets. Jesus' temptation in the wilderness by Satan describes the intense spiritual battle that we, as Christians, are a part of. In order to be successful in spiritual warfare, Christians need to be rooted in God's truth to dismantle Satan's lies and have dependence on the Holy Spirit's power during times of temptation. Jesus was now ready to begin his ministry to tell people about the forgiveness possible through him.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 4)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

One of Satan's primary tactics is to accuse and tempt Christians. Satan attempts to accuse Christians in four primary ways: 1) towards God; 2) towards others; 3) causing division between people; and 4) accusing to our selves. These accusations and temptations center around harmful habits of ongoing sin, resulting in feelings of alienation from God and discrediting His message. We need to respond to these lies and accusations with God's truth and take a firm stance in our identity in Christ and the promises which God says are true.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Within spiritual warfare, we must be prepared to face and defend against Satan's attacks. Satan will often distort, question, deny, and replace God's Word in the lives of Christians. We must learn to memorize and stand behind God's Word to distinguish Satan's lies. Christians must also learn to understand the power and intellect of Satan.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Following Christ means encountering spiritual warfare and fighting against Satan and his schemes. Satan is against God and his people and is intent on keeping people away from God and fulfilling His plans. Within spiritual warfare, we must adopt a wartime mentality, be sober and alert, and be ready to fight with God's truth and power.

Vanishing Returns in Life Away From God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

All people without God are motivated to go their own way and actively rebel from God as their thinking becomes more and more darkened. As a result, they are left to indulge in different experiences to make up for the lack of purpose apart from God. As Christians, we have the ability to believe God's promises and live out of the identity He's given us as He transforms our thinking. Living out of the new identity we have in Christ is the basis for real character transformation.