The Poor and the Needy

Ryan Lowery
Deuteronomy 15:7-11

Poverty is a major topic in the book of Proverbs. God's heart is inclined toward the poor. He wants His followers to love and serve the poor out of gratitude for His love toward them. World poverty is a prevalent issue that many Americans do not fully grasp. A Christian's proper response to the poor is not to judge them, but rather to advocate for just treatment of them, speak up about injustice against them, and be generous toward them. The church needs to rally together to develop an impact on poverty that is spiritual, long-term, holistic, contextualized, and that fosters independence. Xenos offers many opportunities to combat poverty right here in Columbus, Ohio.\r\n

Entering the Fray

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:3-7

Paul asks Timothy to consider moving deeper into complicated relationships with the message of God. With this example, we're challenged to have a radical others-centered focus, while taking a sober look at what the world is truly like.

Rekindling the Fire

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 1:1-7

The apostle Paul encourages Timothy in his effort to lead the church in Ephesus by reminding him of the gift of Christ's forgiveness, and the God-given abilities to accomplish His purposes. By not neglecting these gifts and moving forward, Christians can cultivate genuine spiritual excitement and vitality. Includes information from "Spiritual Leadership" by Oswald Sanders.

Unity Out of Diversity

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:3-12

We have all been given unique spiritual gifts as Christ's way of equipping us for works of service. Every believer is called to contribute to the body of Christ, preserve the unity among one another, love others, and reach the lost.

Adorning the Gospel into Your Community

John Cleary
Matthew 16:18

God loves all people, and as his children we are called to go out and love those in our neighborhoods and cities, beyond those in our immediate circle. Jesus himself set an example of this and sent his believers out as lights in the world. We need to go out and help meet the needs in our community, actively bearing witness to God's love and mercy. This begins with and is maintained through prayer, both individually and corporately. We can start right where we are, adding on to existing efforts in our communities in order to maximize our aid to those in need.

Balancing Home Life and Ministry

Patrice McCormac
Matthew 16:18

When kids come into the picture, the temptation to decrease our involvement in ministry and fellowship raises immensely. In order to guard our own hearts from falling into this temptation that our culture feeds, we must recognize why we involve ourselves with ministry in the first place. It makes us better parents, it models healthy relating (both to people and to God) to our children, it teaches our kids valuable lessons, and ultimately it is because of the great joy of being made new in Christ! With this understanding, we can equip ourselves with some practical suggestions for how to schedule our lives in such a way that we minister to both our families and to the others God has placed before us.

Paul - Living for the Call of Christ

Gene Getz
1 Thessalonians 2:6-12

Through the life of Paul, Gene Getz talks about how we can live our lives for the call of Christ. He gives us principles to live by from Paul's formative years including what our lives should look like when we receive Christ's forgiveness. He also takes us through Paul's life in ministry and some principles for us to take from those years in Paul's life.\r\n

Career Choices and God's Will

Jeff Gordon
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

It is very easy for believers to fall into overvaluing or undervaluing work. Scripture reveals to us that all parts of our life can bring glory to God, including our career. You must start with orienting your mind around the biblical perspective that your whole life can be a spiritual service of worship. Once you have been grounded in this principle choosing a career and working hard will fall into place. Like Jesus communicated to his followers, you must seek first his kingdom and all things will be added to you. \r\n


Jess Lowery
Luke 10:1-18

If we prescribe to God's command to make disciples, we will see lives transformed and growth in the church through multiplication. Entering into a personal discipleship relationship with someone takes commitment to investment, prayer, friendship building, casting visions, and understanding our role and God's role.