Breaking the Tide of Falsehood

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 4:1-10

In the fourth chapter of 1 Timothy, Paul warns Timothy to be on guard against the spreading of false doctrines taught by female pagan religious leaders. Most Bible translation do a poor job translating "But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women." These female religious leaders were known as "old women" in Timothy's day. These 'old women' taught Ascetism which focused on forbidding things God does not forbid, like marriage, and certain foods. They were known for storytelling where they put the gods in an outrageous light.

Pointing Out the Truth

Chris Hearty
1 Timothy 4:1-11

God wants you to enjoy the good things in life with thankfulness. Paul warned Timothy to teach against the false doctrines going around that taught to abstain from things God has given us to enjoy. He was urged to not allow falsehoods about God to linger. A godly life requires spiritual exercise motivated by an accurate knowledge of your eternal future,

Should Women Lead and Teach in Christian Community?

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 2:1-15

The traditional interpretation of this difficult passage has some major hermeneutical obstacles that require one take a fresh look at the true meaning of this passage. The presence of early Gnostic heresy that taught Eve came before Adam and gave him life was evident in Ephesus at this time. Paul was countering this heresy by forbidding women from teaching this particular false doctrine. He was not forbidding women to lead or teach men because clearly the Bible has many examples of women leaders and teachers.

When Jesus is Sitting on Your Couch

Scott Risley
Luke 10:38-42

When Jesus knocks on your door and you invite Him in, when he is sitting on your couch, do you sit at His feet and drink in all he has to say? Or do you rush around laboring over all the preparations, building up resentment toward others and Jesus for not helping you, for not caring about how hard you are working? Jesus invited both Mary and Martha to sit at His feet, but only Mary chose to prioritize being still at His feet, eagerly listening to Him. Martha wasn't wrong for doing the preparations. She was wrong to be bitter and accusatory. Jesus did not rebuke Martha but he also refused to rebuke Mary for not helping Martha because Mary had chosen what is better.


Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:28-29

Many modern churches fail to teach that every member can and should learn to become a disciple maker. Many think that is a job for the church leader, but Paul is clear everyone should be intentionally helping other Christians toward spiritual maturity. It is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian to invest consistent effort over a long period of time in another Christian by depending upon God's Spirit for wisdom, stamina and patient love.

The Bible and Slavery

James Rochford
1 Peter 2:18-25

Although the institution of slavery in the Roman empire was different than European slavery we are more familiar with, it still was an unjust and cruel practice. Some biblical scholars claim that the Bible actually defended the practice of slavery or at the very least delayed its overthrow. They claim Jesus never condemned slavery. The truth is the Bible was profoundly counter-cultural regarding slavery. The New Testament decries slavery, and urges slaves to win their freedom and affirms the value and equality of all persons, slave or free. It was the NT ethic that led to the abolition of slavery.

Long for God's Word

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 1:23-2:3

The Word of God is living and enduring. Although all of creation will fade away, his Word will not. God spoke all of creation into being by his Word. God's Word speaks to our present day. We are to long for the Word of God like a newborn baby longs for his mother's milk. As we long for the Word of God, we must put aside our old way of life, full of envy, malice, deceit and hypocrisy. To develop a taste for God's Word, start small, reading a few chapters of the Bible a week, start in the New Testament such as the Gospel of John, and start with a reading plan.

The Power of the Word

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

It is the Word of God that empowers us to love fervently from the heart. It is the imperishable, life germinating seed that endures forever. The Word of God is a source of wisdom, victorious prayer, effective ministry, and character transformation. God works through his Word creating faith, nurturing growth and empowering ministry.

The Power of the Word

Scott Risley
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

It is the Word of God that empowers us to do anything good. We can't truly love others on our own, but God's Word gives us a new nature capable of real love. Scripture gives us many word pictures for the Word; It is the seed, milk, solid food, bedrock foundation, an anchor for our souls, a mirror, a lamp, fire, a hammer, a sword, pure gold and silver, rain from heaven, and finally, the sweetest honey. The Word of God is the starting point for this new spiritual life God wants to give us. This Word is also the sustainer of this new life.