The Beast

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 19:19-20

This passage predicts the rise and fall of the key human instrument of Satan during the End Times - the beast (or the "Antichrist"). The beast will emerge from a revived form of the Roman Empire, will be raised up and energized by Satan, will have world-wide dominion, will blaspheme God, will persecute Christians, and will finally be defeated by Jesus upon His return. Don't respond to this prophecy with skepticism, obsession, or fear. Rather, be confident in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who is in control.

War with the Dragon

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 12:1-17

John describes Satan's attempt to kill Jesus, Satan's expulsion from heaven, and Satan's attack on the followers of Jesus during the Great Trinulation. Within this section of the letter, we learn that Satan is a dragon who devours, a serpent who deceives, and an accuser of the brethren. But John does not stop there, and shows us how we can defeat Satan at each turn by not denying our sins, refuting with truth, and being willing to give up even our lives.

The Mystery Hidden for Aeons Past

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 2:6-8

Romans 16 talks about a "mystery hidden for long ages past." Collectively, scripture teaches that this mystery was the coming of Christ. Old Testament prophecies predicted both a King Messiah who would set up righteous reign, and a Suffering Servant who would be sacrificed. Prior to Christ's death no one, not even the angels or Christ's disciples understood that these two pictures were of the same person! We learn that God intentionally hid this plan from Satan, such that Christ might provide salvation for all.

A Key to Spiritual Greatness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Paul's great vision provides insight into spiritual greatness as he encountered a thorn from Satan. God is able to give sufficient grace to bear the thorns in our lives in a victorious way. God is powerful and can work through our thorns to impact others powerfully for the sake of Christ. As we embrace our weakness before God, He is able to bring about His power, along with fruitful blessings.

Considered Philosophically and Prophetically

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 12:9-13

Are we becoming so politically correct that we can't call an evil act exactly what it is? Will holding to objective truths lead to violence? We see that when put to the test our post-modern consensus fails the test of reality. We look into what real truth is and what true prophesying, such as comparing the foretelling of the regathering of Israel against vague works like Nostradamus.

The Gerasene Demoniac

Jim Leffel
1 John 2:15-17

Jesus performed miracles to verify his claims about himself and to demonstrate his teaching in action. These miracles included interactions with the supernatural, and it is clear from the Gospels that Jesus' exorcisms of demonically possessed people foretell his future victory over Satan. Furthermore, modern Christians do not live in a spiritually neutral world, and Satan is still active in modern times through waging war against Christians and promoting his system of values. Christians should seek to live in a way that is cognizant of the spiritual war around them and to follow God's eternal priorities.

Conclusions of Unbelief

Jim Leffel
Mark 3:20-35

Throughout Jesus' ministry, Jesus used miracles to demonstrate his mission and authority, and he often used these signs to challenge his audience to decide who he was for themselves. The scribes believed that Jesus did his miracles by Satan's power, an argument that he subsequently dismantled through logic, and Jesus' family believed that Jesus was taking his claims too far. Jesus taught that believers should be committed to their family but that all human commitments are subordinate to God's Will, and these commitments are best practiced in the context of fellowship with other Christians.


Jim Leffel
Deuteronomy 6:13

After Jesus' baptism, he went into the wilderness where he was tempted by Satan for 40 days. Satan offered him food, tried to force him into testing God, and promised him all the kingdoms of the world if only Jesus would worship him. Jesus denied Satan every time, creating a model for his disciples to follow. There will always be things that tempt us away from God, and Satan makes them sound legitimate, but God's provision and timing are always best. The decision we face is whether to trust in God and follow Him or be pulled away from doing so.

The Secret Wisdom of God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 3:8-10

God encountered rebellion from Satan before the beginning of this world, and He set in place a plan to show His loving and gracious nature. In the Old Testament God predicted the coming of both a suffering servant and a messiah king. These two personas were pictures of Jesus sent as both a sacrifice for mankind and a conquering savior.