
Gary DeLashmutt
Mark 10:35-45

God's key to authentic greatness is through honoring Him to advance His purposes among people. Instead of trying to exalt self, God's design for being great in His Kingdom requires voluntary suffering for Christ and serving others in love. Those who are committed to honoring God through suffering and serving for His sake develop real fulfillment and joy in their lives. The idea of being great for God's sake is a noble cause, but one that requires self being put aside to glorify God.

It is More Blessed to Give than to Receive

Jeff Gordon
Acts 20:33-35

God's wisdom reveals that Christians will be more happy and content as they choose to give out to others. This principle goes against society and culture throughout history, but has profound impact for those who hold to it. We are able to give out to others based on God's love for us and as such become a blessing for others. Growing Christians realize more how God wants to use them to be givers of His love, resulting in real joy and happiness for them as they live it out.

Slaves and Masters

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:5-9

While the Bible does not promote slavery, Paul uses it as an example of how each situation is a unique opportunity to give witness. The most important call for believers is to love and serve others, even in difficult circumstances. There is a clear path to be drawn from slavery in the world and the slavery humans experience under sin. But, God has a message that invites everyone to be free.

Parents and Children

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:1-4

Living a purpose-centered life applies to all of the relationships believers have with each other, including parents to children and vice versa. Children are to obey and honor their parents for their own benefit. Parents should avoid performance-based acceptance and disengaged relationships and keep four points in mind: 1) knowing & serving God is the purpose of life and the primary goal of parenting, 2) gain awareness and development of personal strengths, 3) be aware of how their strengths can be a deficit & ability to grow in self-discipline in these areas, and 4) know how to address sin patterns. Most importantly, parents need to stand under grace and keep learning humility.

The Seeker Small Group: Unleashing the Power of Community to Reach the Lost

Mark Ashton
Ephesians 6:1-4

Mark Ashton, Associate Evangelism Director at Willow Creek Community Church, explains what seeker small groups are and how to start and lead one. These groups begin with relationships we already have with people and are seeker targeted, discussion oriented, and an extension of personal evangelism. Mark provides ten helpful "laws" for seeker small groups, including material and resources that are available for guidance and for use in the group.

Discipling Children

Jo Rhodes
1 Corinthians 11:1

Parents and adult influencers disciple children by God's grace. Influencing children for Christ has to be in the context of having a relationship with them. Four keys to discipling children include: teaching them Biblical content; modeling Christ to them; helping them develop character; giving them ways to apply Biblical truth to their life.

The Difference between Shepherding and Discipleship

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 1:27

There are two types of relationship ministries we find in scripture. The first is shepherding and the second is discipleship. Shepherding includes helping people with their growth, having unconditional expectations, and is ongoing. Discipleship is similar to shepherding but it is selective and has conditional expectations. It is through shepherding that you find the people in your church who are true disciples. Some of the signs that someone is ready to be discipled include: a desire to grown and serve; an honesty about the moral areas in their life that God is trying to change; willingness to submit to God's leadership in their life; a desire to serve and love others; and they are already taking active steps of faith.

Walk According to Your Calling

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:1-6

Now that believers have a purpose and a calling, there is a process of discovering and growing in God's calling. There are three aspects of this process. It includes growing in: 1) humility and gentleness; 2) patience, forbearance, and love; and 3) unity of community, faith, and hope.

Balancing Home Life and Ministry

Patrice McCormac
Ephesians 4:1-6

Balancing family and ministry service can be both confusing and difficult. Instead of approaching this conflict of interests sequentially, such as following a concrete plan of first serving your spouse, then kids, then self or others, we can practice more flexibility. There is a deep need to be simultaneously involved in ministry because of its ability to bring friendships, purpose, and a healthy example for children. In attempting to balance these two fields of life, we can look for ways in which they overlap and actually complement each other.