God's Peace in an Age of Anxiety

Chris Risley
John 14:27

We think of peace as a feeling; God's peace is much broader.  Come explore the facets of God's peace for your life and how living it out will help draw people to God's truth.

Enjoying God's Peace

Lee Campbell
1 Corinthians 10:1-13

It is very simple, if you want to experience and enjoy God's peace, honor Him and be grateful!

The Return of the King

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 19-20

When Jesus comes back and inaugurates the Millennial Kingdom, He will bring about true social justice, world peace and spiritual enlightenment. Nature will never again harm humans, and though mortal, the inhabitants will not suffer from sicknesses. All will celebrate with great joy. After the Millennial Kingdom closes, there will be one more rebellion which Jesus will snuff out and then comes judgment. Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire along with anyone who did not choose to ask Jesus to forgive their sins.

Biblical Leadership and Followership

Mike Woods
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Leaders of the people God has entrusted to them, are called to lead with accountability, stewardship, hard work, and true service, admonishing and instructing from the Word of God. As followers, we are called to appreciate, esteem, support and cooperate with our leaders out of gratitude for their sacrifice.

The Dawn of a New Era

Scott Risley
1 Samuel 1-3

As the time of the Judges comes to a close, Hannah, a faithful servant of the Lord, as promised, offers her only child, Samuel, to the Lord to be His servant. Eli, an unfaithful priest, was unwilling to discipline his sons or show tough love. Samuel, when God calls, answers with, "Here I am!"


Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:1-13

The author of Hebrews urges his readers to turn to God today if we hear his voice. God desires to bring us into his rest and peace, but first this requires that we listen and obey His direction for our life.

Conflict and Identity

Liz Sweet
Hebrews 4:1-13

We all experience conflict. We will focus on how God can use conflict in our lives as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of our identity in Him.

Ephesians: A Manifesto for the Church

Te-Li Lau
Ephesians 1-6

Hear how Ephesians describes the essence, identity, and mission of the church within the larger framework of Christ's cosmic rule.

Becoming Peacemakers

Ken Sande
Ephesians 1-6