When God Calls

Scott Risley
Exodus 2:11-4:20

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses focused on his own failures and inadequacies and did not want to do it. God responded by challenging Moses to trust in God's plan, presence, and power. When God calls us, we must follow his lead and rely on the same promises God gave to Moses.

Why Does God Have the Right to Rule?

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 4:1-5:14

In John's vision of the throneroom of God, three reasons are given for God's right to rule: 1) God is the only morally perfect Ruler; 2) God is the Creator who owns and cares for His creation; and 3) because Jesus has already paid the ultimate price to save humanity.

Features of a Transformed Community (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

An important part of a spiritual community is the leadership appointed by God. Spiritual leadership means leading as a servant, being directive, and remaining centered on truth. All believers should desire the maturity and the blessings that come with spiritual leadership. The whole church is called to follow leaders by responding to them, recognizing the importance of their office, and seeking peace over needless rebellion.

The Vine and the Branches

Dennis McCallum
John 15:1-13

Jesus uses an analogy of a vine and branches to describe the type of relationship between him and his followers. Jesus is the life-giving source to which believers must have dependence on in order to really bear fruit for God. This is a love-trust relationship between Jesus and his followers where his followers are dependent on Jesus and as they receive from him, they are able to give out from what they have received (self-sacrificial love towards others). It is as we continually abide in Christ that we are able to love others the way Jesus did and have real character transformation and deep satisfaction in our lives. This passage is essential for Christians to understand how to deepen their relationship with God.


Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 1:1-20

The book of Revelation is primarily a record of visions from God that reveal who Jesus is and what will take place in the future. From John's vision of Christ, it is clear that Jesus is both the Savior who serves us and the King whom we are to serve. The essence of Christianity is an encounter with and surrender to this Jesus who is Savior and King.

Standing Firm Against Legalism

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 3:1-16

Paul warns the Philippian church about legalism, a works based approach to drawing close to God. Legalism has negative effects on Christians, including being contagious to others and destroying our intimacy with God. Paul looks back on his own life to warn them of these dangers and encourage the Philippian believers to stand firm in their new identity in Christ and operate under God's grace to grow with Him.

Abiding: Our Part in Cooperating with the Spirit

Conrad Hilario
John 15:1-17

Jesus uses a horticultural example to explain God's role and the believer's role in abiding in Christ and the benefits that follow. God lifts us up, raises our level of need for Him, and disciplines us while the believer is called to read the bible, pray, commit to fellowship, and not resist God's discipline. The benefits of abiding in Christ are bearing fruit (i.e. the work God accomplishes through us in others), experiencing the privilege of being a part of God's great plan, cherishing God's friendship, and the joy that comes from Him.

4 Witnesses to Christ's Authenticity

Dennis McCallum
Nehemiah 2:1-8

Jesus demonstrates four witnesses that authenticated his authority to his Jewish audience: 1) John the Baptist; 2) the miracles and works God had given Jesus the power to perform amidst the people; 3) inner witness of the Holy Spirit; and 4) the Scriptures that predicted Jesus. Jesus proves here that he has authority given to him by God the Father and we as Christians today should listen to him because of his authority.

Faith And The Official's Son

Scott Risley
John 4:43-53

John 4 highlights the second of seven signs (miracles) that John describes in order to help the reader believe that Jesus is the Messiah. After a royal official begs Jesus to heal his dying son, Jesus leads him to Biblical faith and heals his son. Biblical faith believes God's Word, acts on God's Word and grows as it eventually sees. There are limitations to miracles: 1) they are different from evidence; 2) they require interpretation and remembering; 3) they can be manipulated by frauds. A TV clip of an ABC News Primetime Live investigation of W.V. Grant's phony faith healing ministry is included.