Jesus' Supremacy Over Nature

Dennis McCallum
Luke 8:22-56

The subject of miracles is a polarizing one, many people are on one end of the spectrum or the other. Jesus performed miracles; in fact, He did many miracles in His lifetime. And the miracles Jesus performed showed that He had power over the natural world. God created the world through Christ, so He had the ability to alter it. See how Jesus exercised that power through the different miracles He performed in this passage.\r\n

Jesus Reaches Rejects

Conrad Hilario
Luke 5:12-32

Jesus shows mercy and love to the rejects of society including the leper, the paralyzed man, and the tax collector. The Pharisees, by contrast, tried to protect themselves from evil. Jesus was able to transform the rejects of society because they were humble rather than self-righteous and recognized their need for forgiveness. If we want to be Christ-like, we need to be prepared to go beyond what is comfortable in order to share our faith and love all people as Jesus did.

Reaching the Rejects

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:4-23

Jesus' ministry is shown to target the outcasts and untouchables of society with mercy and compassion. The Pharisees avoided these people at all costs, worried only for their legalistic concern for themselves. Jesus, however, was willing to forgive sin, touch a leper, and accept a despised tax collector into his circle, demonstrating His compassion for the rejects of this world. The believer is challenged to have this same attitude toward even the most repulsive individual.

Parables of Lost and Found

Jim Leffel
Luke 15:1-26

In some of the most famous parables Jesus told, we unpack the unexpected reality of grace when Jesus approaches known sinners to eat with them. He tells the onlookers about the shepherd searching for a lost sheep, a woman who searches tirelessly for a single lost coin, and the father of the prodigal son who waits expectantly to greet him with a celebration. We uncover the truth of God's mercy and love for us, that He would go to any length to save a lost son or daughter, and that no one can retreat so far from God in pride or fear that He would turn His back from them. We see the fallacy of the "religious" people who take pride in what they feel they have earned before God and the importance of humility in coming to the God of mercy for forgiveness.

A Lawyer Tests Jesus

Jim Leffel
Luke 10:25-37

God's way is being blessed by God to be a blessing to others. In response to the lawyer, Jesus raises the standard of who we should consider ?my neighbor? and defines love as allowing ourselves to be inconvenienced by people in need.


Jim Leffel
Luke 10:1-24

Jesus felt compassion for people before stating that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Jesus saw people and felt for them. In the same way, God calls the church to see people as God sees them. This includes all people, especially the poor and marginalized. We are called to move toward needful people with hands of generosity.

The Patriarchs

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 37:3-45:11

Joseph was a man whose life was characterized by both immense success and intense suffering. Despite the constantly changing circumstances of his life, he maintained his faith in God and adopted a godly perspective on his trials. Joseph's story serves as an example of how God can redeem even the worst circumstances to His glory and our benefit.

Profiles in Grace (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Luke 7:1-50

In three events Jesus reveals his identity and mission as the Messiah. He displays his authority in three areas: 1) his authority to heal when he revives a centurion's slave who is near death; 2) his authority over death by bringing widow's dead son back to life; and 3) his authority to forgive when a sinful woman anoints his feet with oil. These miracles serve as a prelude to Christ's ultimate rule and illustrate the compassionate heart of God.

Jesus Begins His Ministry

Jim Leffel
1 Kings 17:7-24

Jesus's miracles demonstrates who He is and that the Gospel is true. He heals unlikely people, just like the miracles Elijah did for the Widow in Zarephath. God seeks us in our hour of need, when we have come to a desperate place. This is when we are able to understand the power of the gospel.