We Want a King!

Scott Risley
1 Samuel 8-10

The calling of Saul can teach us important lessons in spiritual leadership. Servant leaders need to prepare ahead of their calling and must be willing to be different. God calls them to cling to these three truths of spiritual leadership: Listen to Me and I will supply all you need, these people are Mine, and I love you.

Give Us a King!

Conrad Hilario
1 Samuel 8-10

As the time of the Judges neared its end, the people of God began to demand to have a king over them like the other nations. This demand revealed the fallen heart's desire to rely on a system rather than upon God, the tendency to conform to the surrounding culture, and the temptation to make rash decisions due to impatience. God gave the Israelites their demanded king, and warned them of the dire consequences. Ultimately, through their unrighteous demand, He gave us the righteous King we need.


Dennis McCallum
1 Samuel 10-14

Although Saul, the new king of Israel, was a good general who led the Israelites into some successful battles against the Philistines, he neglected to wait on God and took matters into his own hands. Fame and success led him to make foolish decisions and lean on self-will and manipulation instead of trusting and waiting on God.

Biblical Leadership and Followership

Mike Woods
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Leaders of the people God has entrusted to them, are called to lead with accountability, stewardship, hard work, and true service, admonishing and instructing from the Word of God. As followers, we are called to appreciate, esteem, support and cooperate with our leaders out of gratitude for their sacrifice.

The Good Shepherd

Mike Sullivan
Ezekiel 34:1-24

To follow Jesus, we must first determine if we are willing to be led, and then decide if Christ is a leader worth following.

Smart Preaching for Students

Shane Coulter
Ezekiel 34:1-24

A deep dive into ways that students in Generations Z and Alpha retain and apply information, with the goal of helping Bible teachers maximize their clarity and effectiveness.

Keys to Healthy Spiritual Community

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 5:12-15

The practical instruction Paul gives on building a successful spiritual community begins with having a relationship with God. It requires the right attitude toward spiritual leadership. And it requires each of us taking responsibility to help those around us to grow and working hard to make peace as conflicts arise.

Leading Through Difficult Trials

Ben Foust
1 Peter 5:1-4

While Peter exhorts all Christians to entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right, in this passage, he specifically addresses leaders. He calls on leaders to shepherd the flock because they are fellow partakers of Christ's suffering and glory, to lead with the attitude, motivation, and authority of one who will share in His glory.

Keys to Good Body Life

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-13

The first key to good body life is to have the proper attitude towards leaders. Leaders are called by God to serve the Body. As members of the Body, we are to called to respect them and be inclined to follow their leadership, and live peaceably with each other.