Gaining Freedom from the Love of Money

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 6:19-20

The love of money is an addiction for most people in our culture, and unlike other addictions that are widely regarded as harmful, materialism is often celebrated and promoted instead. Christians, however, are not to follow the widespread cultural norms and perspective on money but should pursue an attitude of contentment. Contentment frees up Christians to enter into deep relationships, comes from a genuine sense of security in Christ, and results in true happiness and freedom.

Sex and Marriage

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 19:4-6

God values marriage and sexuality immensely, and He desires for them to be honored by all. The Biblical view of sex and marriage, however, is incredibly different from the modern perspective in its definition, norms, and preparation for marriage and sex, and yet modern research demonstrates that the Biblical perspective is the only method that brings true fulfillment. Single Christians should seek to develop the skills necessary for a good marriage, and those that are married should work hard to maintain the health of their marriages as well.

Living the Life of Faith (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 19:4-6

The author of Hebrews instructs the church to maintain the honor of marriage. Contextually, this serves as another expression of faith for the Christian believer. This instruction serves as a counter-cultural perspective leading to thriving marriages as a witness to the watching world.

Two Different Operational Motives

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 6:11-18

The world system is designed to distract non-Christians from ever coming to Christ and seduce Christians away from following Christ fully. Pride and fear go hand in hand; seeking the approval of men (or avoiding their disapproval) is a dangerous trap. Gary poses some questions to help us personally reflect on the ways this fear can permeate our lives and calls us to trade this fear of people's disapproval for trusting in God's approval instead.

Encounter with a Demoniac

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:15-16

Jesus sails to the country of the Gerasenes and is confronted by a man possessed by demons. The demons had tormented the man for many years and forced him to live alone in the tombs. The demons recognize Jesus as ?Son of the Most High God,? and beg him to be sent out of the man and into a herd of pigs. The man is healed from demon possession but the townspeople are frightened and beg Jesus to leave. Three questions are explored in this narrative: 1) why does this encounter make us feel uncomfortable?; 2) why don't we see this today?; and 3) what relevance does this narrative have for us?


Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 5:8-11

God has created spiritual beings that have free will, and Satan has organized a system in order to distract, tempt, and intimidate those who would follow God. This spiritual war has to do with thoughts, truths, and ideas. In order to be victorious, the Bible reminds us that: 1) Satan is our adversary and not people; 2) his tactics are predictable to the trained eye; and that we can: 3) be sober and alert; 4) stand firm; and 5) trust in God's sovereignty.

Jesus Identifies With US

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 5:21

The genealogy of Jesus reveals that God sent Jesus to identify with all nations as the son of God. Jesus withstanding temptation from Satan shows us how to depend on God to meet our needs and how to resist the Word System (kosmos). We need to learn to rely on God's Word as a source of life and use it to defend ourselves against Satan's schemes. Rather than putting God to the test, we should follow His lead.

Two Ways

Mike Sullivan
John 3:16-19

Each person has a choice between what Jesus calls the ?narrow way? and the ?broad way,? and each route has its own ramifications for how people will live now and where they will spend eternity. Jesus says that most people will choose the broad way because of the influence of false teachers, but he also gives criteria for our evaluation of such teachers and encourages his hearers to act on his truthful teachings instead.

Is Jesus Worth it?

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:23-2:12

Jesus is a polarizing figure. Following Him sometimes requires giving up time, comfort, or worldly success. Many ask, "Is it worth it?" The answer to this question is resolved when we consider that Jesus provides meaning, hope, and community to those who follow him.