The Paradox of Fulfillment (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Matthew 5:1-12

There is great suffering in this world and we have become people who are trying to hide from it and deny it. We turn away from God, but He is the one who we can take comfort in. He is asking for us to place our worries on Him. We must be willing to let our hearts break.


Dennis McCallum
John 15:12-16:33

Jesus continues trying to teach his disciples in the Upper Room before he goes to the Cross. From this section, the following are Jesus' main takeaways for his disciples: 1) the world is passing away; 2) the perspective of the Kosmos is skewed; 3) as followers of Jesus, the values we have are at tension with the world's values, and we should expect opposition because of it; and 4) trust the Holy Spirit to reveal more about Jesus, for the inspiration of God's Word, to guide and illuminate us and and to impart joy and peace that comes from God.

Living in a Hostile World

Conrad Hilario
John 15:18-16:33

The world system, or kosmos, is critiqued and drawn out in the topic of materialism and hedonism. It is used as Satan's tool to oppose believers and distract people from their relationship with God, and we are taught how to escape its grasp and focus on how Jesus overcame it.

Victorious Living in a Hostile World

Scott Risley
John 15:18-16:33

Jesus talked to his disciples about how to live victoriously in a hostile world designed by Satan and opposed to God. He told them that non-Christ followers will hate them because they hated him. These people hate because they know they are wrong. Living for Christ will involve suffering, but the Holy Spirit is always with us. In light of eternity the pain won't last very long, and the Father will give us whatever we ask according to His will because Jesus has overcome the world.\r\n

The Shrewd Manager

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 16:1-12

Jesus' parable of the shrewd manager reflects a few principles regarding our resources: 1) as Christians, we are are managers of God's resources; 2) our ability to manage God's resources will end soon; and 3) we can enjoy eternity in heaven more as we give generously in the present. It is of high importance that God's resources are seen as His resources, not ours, if we are to be effective in managing them until Jesus comes back.

Why This Waste?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:6-13

While with Simon the Leper in Bethany, Jesus encounters a woman who pours an alabaster vial on his head. While some, including the disciples and Judas, criticized the woman for apparently "wasting" what would have been worth much monetarily, Jesus has a different perspective. Those who saw this as a waste had their focus on the temporary, where the woman sacrificed what she had for Jesus. The attitudes of material avarice and pride keep us today from wasting our resources when we could be more radical for God. Similar to the woman, all people need to pour out what they have and receive from Jesus salvation based on faith. This teaching includes a testimony from John Davis.

Information Technology - Using it, or Being Used by it

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:2

Our culture has become immersed in and obsessed with information technology. As Christians, however, we need to take a stand against the grain of our culture in this area because I.T. over-use inhibits and erodes key elements of both our humanity and spirituality. I.T degrades both our ability to follow sophisticated thought and our value of solitude for biblical meditation. Furthermore, it decreases our ability to appreciate and learn from nature. In contrast to the tide of our culture, we should prioritize face-to-face relating and memorizing scripture. Finally, this workshop provides a constructive response to I.T. over-use.

Parenting Porn Free Kids

Brian Gardner
Romans 12:2

Pornography permeates the internet, whether one is looking for it or not. It's important to know how to have a balanced reaction if one finds their children are engaging in porn, making sure that they feel safe talking to their parents. Learn about how to prepare for, demonstrate against, and prevent pornography in the family life.

Expect Opposition

Jeff Gordon
John 15:18-16:4

At the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples, he prepares them with this warning that they are going to be hated by some. Jesus is warning them about this because he does not want his followers to abandon their faith because of the hostility they will endure. The reason they will be hated is because they hated the message that Jesus preached and who he was. In the midst of persecution he reminds his disciples that they are not alone and to continue testifying the God's truth to a lost world.