The Paradoxical Way to Happiness

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 58:10-11

Human beings deeply desire personal happiness, and live in ways they believe will result in happiness. God affirms this desire to be happy, but declares that our way of seeking through a self-centered life is wrong. Instead, Jesus declares that the self-giving perspective results in true happiness. In order to live this sacrificial lifestyle, we must consistently receive God's love and then give it out to others.

Joyful Suffering (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:24-2:5

The Christian life involves activities that bring with them, at the same time, suffering and joy. One of these is the process of helping others along to spiritual maturity, which is an extremely fulfilling interpersonal process that comes with relational risk. Another is the commitment to unity in the church, which is incredibly rewarding but can grate against our selfish nature.

Joyful Suffering (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:24-2:5

If there's nothing that is worthy of our whole life, then our lives will be made up of trivialities. Advancing Christ's work will result in some suffering, and joy comes through the deep connection that forms through giving our lives for others. According to the Bible, God has revealed a great mystery set forth in the Old Testament through Christ. Knowing God is the greatest knowledge that brings us the greatest joy.

The Transformation Christ Brings

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:9-14

People come to know God through humbly receiving what He has revealed. After this, we can begin to walk in a way that is pleasing to Him. Walking with God manifests in four ways: 1) bearing fruit; 2) growing in knowledge of God; 3) being strengthened for endurance; and 4) joyful gratitude.

Features of a Transformed Community (Part 4)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:19-21

An important feature of a healthy spiritual community is zeal: the irrepressible desire for the things of God. We are called not to quench the Spirit and to avoid a critical attitude that is insensitive to God's Word or His Spirit. Developing zeal includes searching for a word from God, joining in with the praise of others, and taking risks.

Features of a Transformed Community (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

A heart of prayer includes rejoicing, where we get excited about the things of God and offer praise to Him. It also means praying continually as we trust that He is faithful in any situation. Finally, it involves practicing gratitude in any circumstance.


Dennis McCallum
John 15:12-16:33

Jesus continues trying to teach his disciples in the Upper Room before he goes to the Cross. From this section, the following are Jesus' main takeaways for his disciples: 1) the world is passing away; 2) the perspective of the Kosmos is skewed; 3) as followers of Jesus, the values we have are at tension with the world's values, and we should expect opposition because of it; and 4) trust the Holy Spirit to reveal more about Jesus, for the inspiration of God's Word, to guide and illuminate us and and to impart joy and peace that comes from God.

The Fruitful Life

Scott Risley
John 15:1-16

Jesus used the metaphor of a gardener with the grapevine and branches to describe a fruitful life for God. He illustrated three types of people and commanded us to abide in him through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the only way to bear fruit for God. Practical ideas for how to abide and the benefits of abiding are given. What better life is there?\r\n

Abiding: Our Part in Cooperating with the Spirit

Conrad Hilario
John 15:1-17

Jesus uses a horticultural example to explain God's role and the believer's role in abiding in Christ and the benefits that follow. God lifts us up, raises our level of need for Him, and disciplines us while the believer is called to read the bible, pray, commit to fellowship, and not resist God's discipline. The benefits of abiding in Christ are bearing fruit (i.e. the work God accomplishes through us in others), experiencing the privilege of being a part of God's great plan, cherishing God's friendship, and the joy that comes from Him.