
Ben Foust
Acts 11:19-30

The early church continues to spread, from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, and now to gentiles in Antioch. Sent by the Holy Spirit, Paul and Barnabas set out on their first missionary journey, beginning the spread of the gospel to the "remotest parts of the earth." From their story, Christians today can draw principles for doing God's work.

Trinity Basics for Spiritual Conversations

Dave Schutter
John 3:16

The reality of the Trinity is an important truth both to support our discipleship and our evangelism. As we see Scripture's witness to God as the Trinity, we mature in our faith and grow in our confidence, which in turn helps our evangelistic conversations improve. Through studying the Trinity in Scripture, this doctrinal truth can become a truth that is both relational and relevant for us. This workshop helps us extract key truths about the Trinity from Scripture and consider how to thoughtful converse about this topic with non-Christians.

A Profile of Christian Conversion

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

The Bible talks about the "good news" of God's forgiveness. To move from disbelief to belief is a process. Learn about the different elements of this process and how God spreads His message.

The Exodus: Lessons in Spiritual Growth

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 17:6

Paul looks back on the story of the Exodus to illustration how to grow spiritually. To grow spiritually, we need to have a thirst for God. We also need to be wary of anything that would take precedence over God. Paul shows how many of the experiences the Hebrews had during the time of the Exodus are still prevalent in our lives today

The Holy Spirit

Ryan Lowery
John 14:1-31

Jesus tells his disciples that he would be leaving them soon and that the Holy Spirit will come in his place. He explains why it is better for them--and for today's Christians--to have the Holy Spirit with them than for him to remain.

Experiencing Transformation

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 2:14-3:3

When the Holy Spirit enters our life as a believer in Christ, we become born again as spiritual infants. Over time, as we cooperate with God, the Spirit will grow us into mature believers, transforming our thinking and values as we regularly ingest the Word of God found in the Bible.

Understanding the "Backward Wisdom of God"

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

The wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God are compared and contrasted. In many cases, the wisdom of God is completely opposite from the common assumptions on how to treat enemies, how to deal with loneliness and how to find meaning in life. The role of the Holy Spirit includes helping us understand the Bible, how to pray and transforming us from the inside out.

The Spirit: God's Conduit for Wisdom

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

After contrasting God's wisdom with human wisdom, the Apostle Paul teaches the Corinthians that Godly wisdom can only be obtained through the Holy Spirit, alive within those who have trusted themselves to Jesus. We can grow in spiritual maturity as the Spirit transforms our mind to align with God's way of thinking.


Ben Foust
Psalms 16:8-11

The promised Holy Spirit arrives in style. Peter delivers the first major speech in Acts, laying out a scriptural argument for Jesus as the Christ, and an invitation to repent and receive the Holy Spirit and three thousand people respond in faith! The Holy Spirit empowers our speech when we open our mouths in the name of Christ.