Get A Reality Check

Lee Campbell
Ezekiel 18:1-32

We see in Ezekiel 18 that first we need to be humbled in order to admit our sin against God and to call out to Him for forgiveness

Overcome Evil with Good

Ben Foust
Romans 12:14-21

Instead of paying back evil with evil, Paul commands Christians to pay back evil with good so that others may come to know Christ better.

Conflict and Identity

Liz Sweet
Romans 12:14-21

We all experience conflict. We will focus on how God can use conflict in our lives as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of our identity in Him.

Big God, Big Verdict

Lee Campbell
Romans 12:14-21

We explore how growing in our fear of the Lord helps us grow in our understanding of our identity.

You Matter

Fouad Masri
Ephesians 2:10

Growing in our relationship with Jesus attracts Muslim background people to the Messiah. Learn how your personal growth can be a source of change that impacts Muslims everywhere.

Becoming Peacemakers

Ken Sande
Ephesians 2:10


Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Paul talks about what Godly love is, the fact that love defines maturity in Christ, and how love should be at the center of every Christian walk.

The God Who Dwells with His People

James Rochford
Exodus 25:1-28:43

The tabernacle from the Israelite's desert wandering was a picture of how God resolves the dilemma of how a perfect divine being, God, can dwell among morally flawed people, us. He sent Jesus to live with us as the perfect, sinless priest who offered Himself up as the perfect sacrifice.

The Tabernacle

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 25:1-8

The Tabernacle was a scale model of the heavenly reality. It communicated God's desire to have a relationship with His creation but that there were barriers that prevented them from drawing near to Him. The Tabernacle was a powerful symbol of how He would remove those barriers by the the work of His Son Jesus.