
Scott Risley
John 7:37-39

As the Israelites journey into the desert, they complain about a lack of water and food. Despite their complaints, God provides for them. God often allows challenging circumstances to show us something about ourselves and to help us grow spiritually. When we complain about the circumstances we are really complaining about God. When we trust God, we experience his provision and healing.

Faithfulness in Multiplication Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Faithfulness in multiplication ministry is accomplished through four means: 1) regular strengthening by God's Word; 2) peer friendships; 3) appreciating your ministry role as a privilege of God's grace; 4) build a biblically-informed focus on your eternal destination. These four things need prioritized or they will not happen. Multiplication is difficult work that takes a long time. Cultivating these will ensure faithfulness to God's call in our lives.\r\n

Obstacles to Missional Replication - What Holds Us Back?

Ed Stetzer
Psalms 47:2

In Paul's call to be ambassadors for Christ we find the mission of the church. In order to understand how we can live out the mission and multiply we need to understand the obstacles. There are four obstacles to keep in mind: 1) putting the world's values above God's; 2) recruiting people, rather than reconciling people; 3) not being on a kingdom mission; and 4) failing to appreciate the cross.


Scott Risley
Exodus 12:37-15:21

God leads the Israelites out of Egypt and into an impossible situation. They are wedged up against the Red Sea as Pharaoh's army approaches. God's miraculous deliverance strengthens the faith of the Israelites and is held up as an example of God's power for thousands of years to come.

The Red Sea

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 13-15

After Pharaoh had released the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt, God led Moses and the Israelites out into the wilderness where they would witness one of the most powerful demonstrations of His power. The Israelites began to panic when Pharaoh's army trapped them against the shore of the Red Sea, but God parted the sea so the Israelites could walk across unharmed on dry land. This event was clear and powerful evidence of God's faithfulness to His people which enlarged the faith of the Israelite nation for generations to come.

Divine Inspiration of the New Testament

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 2:13

Paul encourages the Thessalonians that they accepted the gospel not as a human message, but as the divinely inspired Word of God that works within them. The Biblical definition of inspiration is that it is God-initiated, as He reveals the content and Himself to human messengers who communicate His truth and messages without error or fault. The writers of the New Testament attested that their message was from God and their apostleship was based on God uniquely equipping them to preach His Truth. The implication of divine inspiration is that God's Word is the ultimate authority and basis for how we should live our lives.

A Profile of Genuine Belief

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:1

A comparative look at the faith of Mary, the sister of Lazarus, to that of Judas and the other disciples.They all witnessed Lazarus' resurrection, but Mary's faith expressed at a dinner six days before the Passover is an example for all. She gave everything she had by pouring out her expensive perfume on Jesus out of devotion to him. She left a legacy of faith that speaks almost 2,000 years later.

I Was Blind But Now I See

Jim Leffel
John 9:1-41

Linear thinking leads to a question concerning fault for a man born blind. Jesus explains that no fault or sin caused the man's blindness and then heals him. This encounter teaches that religious people are often blind to their need for God and those who are sick or suffering usually see their need.

Distinctives of Militant Christianity

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Paul uses militant language to describe the church, because all Christians are involved in spiritual warfare. Christians, as soldiers, should be spiritually alert and never compromise on essential biblical teaching. We should also be faithful despite suffering, and above all, be soldiers who are controlled by love.