How to Be Justified

Dennis McCallum
James 2:14-26

Real faith is different from pseudo-faith. Mental assent is not enough. Even the demons believe there is one God. It is necessary to place your trust in God. That is biblical faith.\r\n\r\nJames uses the word 'justification' in a different context that Paul does. Justification before God is faith apart from works just as Paul taught. Justification before people as James taught, is different because people can't see into the heart as God can. Godly deeds justify believers to a watching world.

Faith and Works

James Rochford
James 2:14-26

In this challenging passage, James urges the church to have a faith that is accompanied by good works. Contrary to some interpretations, a close reading of the passage and other related scripture shows that James is not talking about earning salvation through works, but rather that genuine faith should lead to good works so that others may see our faith.

Walking with God through Suffering

James Rochford
James 1:1-11

James encourages the church to consider it joy when we face suffering. Not that we should be happy about our suffering, but rather times of suffering serve to test and refine our faith and can grow our character in ways not possible otherwise. However, in order to experience God's comfort and growth during suffering, we must have a mind to stand firm in faith during suffering and trust that God is at work.

From Trials to Triumph

Chris Hearty
Hebrews 12:2

James tells us when we endure trials to recognize the reality of the situation; Experiencing trials is inevitable for everyone. Believers, though, can actually respond to trials with a deliberate attitude of joy. We can have this attitude because we know the testing of our faith is not to see if we have any, but to strengthen it as metal-smith refines gold to remove its impurities and to strengthen the gold.

Lot: The Impotence of Uncommitted Faith

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Peter 2:7-8

We can learn about having a vital faith by studying its antithesis in the tragic life of Lot. Though a true believer, he was a carnal believer and lived more like a non-believer; but the Lord was compassionate to him. An insightful explanation of the tragedy of and the hope for carnal believers is given. At any point, Lot could have decided to begin living by faith like Abraham and reaped the benefits.

Rahab's Faith and God's Grace

Scott Risley
Joshua 2:1-21

In the story of Rahab we see a picture of faith, God's grace, and redemption. Despite a deeply troubled past, Rahab believed in God and her faith led to her rescue. The same can be true for anyone who puts their trust in God and accepts Jesus Christ as their savior.

The Summit of Abraham's Faith

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 22:1-17

Abraham's faith is tested when God asks him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham obeys, but just before he goes through with it God provides a substitute ram to die in Isaac's place. This event foreshadows that Jesus would be sacrificed as a substitute for us. From Abraham's story we learn that God sometimes tests our faith, often by asking us to give up something we value highly, which can purify and strengthen our faith.


Mike Sullivan
Genesis 19:1-36

In the lives of Abraham and Lot we see a contrast between the former's life of faith and the latter's life of spiritual compromise, and also the undeserved grace and compassion of God. From the story of Lot, we learn that it is possible to be a true believer but live a life of compromise and defeat, which has a negative effect on those around us, but that God continues to pursue us because he loves us.

The Apex of Abraham's Faith

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 22:1-14

The last study of Abraham's life describing the peak of his faith while on Mount Moriah with Isaac. There are at least three principles of God's dealing with Abraham that apply to us: 1) God will test our faith in Him; 2) God tests in order to bless ? never to harm, and 3) God will work through our obedience to advance His plan to bless others. Remarkable foreshadowing of Jesus' sacrifice two thousand years later at the same place is detailed.