The Unexpected Adventure

Lee Strobel
Matthew 5:13-16

In Mathew 5, Jesus calls on his followers to be salt and light to the world. This involves living in a way that makes others thirst for God and sharing the message of love and grace into areas of despair. When believers are salt and light to the world they live their lives engaged with God in a way that brings unexpected adventures. Jesus' example shows that living this way includes: 1) Praying consistently and fervently, 2) having open dialog, and 3) being authentic.

Sharing the Hope: Understanding Islam (Part 2)

Fouad Masri
John 4:1-41

When reaching Muslims, we need to understand that we are God's ambassador and we represent Jesus. It is our job to share the gospel, but it is God who pursues people and makes them Christians. When sharing the gospel, we should 1) be loving, 2) be friendly 3) bridge the Gospel, and 4) be biblical. In John 4, Jesus gives a practical example of how we can share his good news to a Muslim by following his example of sharing himself to the Samaritan women. Personal Testimony given by Noushi. For further study see, ?Connecting with Muslims: A Guide to Communicating Effectively.?

Raised in the Church, Radical for Christ

Ryan Weingartner
John 4:1-41

Church leaders have a role in helping church kids ? those raised in the church ? to become radical for Christ. In 1 and 2 Timothy we can see three principles to leading church kids from Paul's leadership in Timothy's (the first church kid) life. These include: 1) bathing instructions in grace, 2) encouraging them to conquer their fears, and 3) influencing them to center their passions on God.


Craig McElvain
Ephesians 2:12-14

Craig McElvain speaks on the topic of "Philoxenia", or "love towards outsiders". The church should have an outward focus, showing and sharing love to those the world rejects and devalues.

Evangelistic Expository Preaching

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 2:12-14

Weekly expository Bible teaching in a larger-group setting both feeds and equips Christians and helps non-Christians come to faith in Christ. This kind of meeting differs from the more intimate small group, home-based style in focus and strategy. Learn about format, effectiveness, elements, and other helpful measures to have a successful expository meeting.

Prayer and Evangelism

Jeanne Arter
Ephesians 2:12-14

Prayer is the means of communicating with a God who loves unconditionally, but Christians often avoid or neglect it. Praying is a heavy and taxing work. Still, there are ways to commit to prayer and to persevere in it. This is necessary for successful evangelism, and it involves God in reaching people.

Reaching High School Students

Bret McCallum
Ephesians 2:12-14

Bret McCallum, who is deeply involved as both a college and high school ministry leader at Xenos, shares how to effectively reach unchurched high school students. God is able to work through people of all ages, and often works through those who are young! Bret gives practical and creative advice on how to embark on this mission.

Sharing the Message of Jesus with Jewish People (Part 1)

Eric Chabot
Ephesians 2:12-14

The New Testament lays out a picture of missions to reach all people groups, this includes Jewish people. To reach Jewish people you must understand their history, modern beliefs and practices. One thing that identifies all Jewish people is their non-belief in Jesus. Like all people who come into faith it is because they're open to seek and respond to God.

Entertainment, Emotions and Evangelism

Donal O'Mathuna
Psalms 19:1

You can learn about who God is in the beauty of nature and creation. Arguments won't always be successful to convince people that they need God in their life. You must bring in your imagination and emotional input. There are all kinds of forms of art that are putting forward what life should be about. We should be engaging with these arts to engage with people and introduce them to Jesus Christ.