How Is Your Worldview Working Out for You?

James Rochford
Philippians 1:12-26

Our circumstances are far less important than our view of them. Paul's circumstances were far from ideal by anyone's standards. He was under house-arrest, chained to a rotating crew of Praetorian guards for close to four years. And he was under a possible death sentence! Yet, Paul was not disturbed by these circumstances. Instead, he was overjoyed at how God was bringing good things out a bad situation. The Gospel was being preached fearlessly by those believers in Rome who watched Paul's example. No matter the result of the trial, Paul viewed it as a win-win. If he is ruled innocent, then he has more time for fruitful ministry. If he is found guilty, then instantly after his execution, he will be in the presence of his beloved Savior.

Living with Dying

Chris Hearty
Philippians 1:19-26

Our purpose in living will shape our perspective on dying. Paul was confident that no matter how his trial in Rome turned out, guilty or innocent, that God would be glorified. Paul's goal in life was to glorify God whether with his life or by his death. He trusted God with the outcome of his trial. Either way was a win-win for him: more fruitful ministry or to be in the presence of his Lord.

Teaching Kids about the Father

Paul Alexander
John 11

The concept of God can be difficult for children to understand especially at early levels of cognitive development. This workshop discusses ways to utilize children's natural imagination and enjoyment of narrative to strengthen their understanding and experience of God through the stories of Jesus in the Gospels.\r\n

Christ over Illness

Dave Schutter
John 11

Thinking Biblically about Christ's lordship over illness can help us to walk victoriously through our own illness and to pastor others dealing with illness. Through healing miracles during his earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated his lordship over illness and death in order to validate his mission. His authority over physical illness affirms his authority over spiritual illness and his ability to heal us of our deepest problems. Practically this means four things: that a diagnosis is not one's destiny; a disease is not one's identity; suffering is not wasted; and physical demise is not eternal.


Mike Sullivan
John 11:1-46

The book of Genesis describes the origins of human death, a theme that is carried throughout the Bible. When we look at the Bible as a whole, we see that Jesus Christ is God's solution to the problem of death, and those who trust in him can look forward to a day when death will be conquered once and for all and we can enjoy eternal life with our Lord.

Released from the Law

Chris Hearty
Romans 7:1-25

What does it look like to depend upon God as we grow spiritually? Paul teaches us how to depend upon God and not on our own fleshly power to grow spiritually. Although the Law is good and holy, it is not meant for us to try to live under Law as we endeavor to grow in our relationship with God. The Law brings death, but the Spirit brings life. We can look to the Law to know where we fall short, but not to find the power to change and grow. We can only find that in Christ Jesus.

Dying to Live

Chris Hearty
Romans 6:1-13

We KNOW that the old man is crucified with Christ and no longer dominates us if we are in Christ. In faith , we are to CONSIDER ourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, we PRESENT ourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead. Now, we come before God as a new creature, not like the old creature, full of dread and shame, but with joy and confidence. It is in congruent to come before God with our heads hanging in shame, but we can come boldly before God, confident in our complete acceptance based on Jesus' forgiveness.

Our Despair in Adam, Our Hope in Christ

Chris Hearty
Romans 5:12-21

Adam was an imperfect earlier type of the perfect type to come later, Jesus Christ. In chapter five of Romans, Paul gives several ways Jesus perfected Adam's errors. Through Adam, many died, but through the grace of Jesus, eternal life is available to all people. Adam brought condemnation , but Christ brought forgiveness. Adam brought a reign of death, but, much more did Christ bring a reign of life. Adam's single act brought death, but Christ's single act brought life, and abundantly.

The Afterlife

James Rochford
1 Corinthians 15:20-58

What happens after death? What will the afterlife be like? What will our resurrected bodies be like? The apostle Paul gives an overview of what's coming after death for those who believe in Jesus Christ.