A New Beginning

Scott Risley
Revelation 20:7-22:21

We look at end times events following the Millennial Kingdom including the destruction of Satan, the Great White Throne Judgement, and the creation of a physical new heaven and new earth. During the judgment, everyone - dead or alive - will have to answer to God for all of the deeds they have done on the earth. This time will either be a time of intense joy or intense sadness depending upon if you have accepted Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as a payment for your sins or if you are taking the wrath of God on yourself.

The Return of the King

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 19:1-20:6

John's vision shows Heaven cheering at the defeat of Babylon. The triumph of Christ causes worship and celebration. Satan is bound and thrown into a bottomless pit for a time (before he will need to be released again). This vision paints the picture of the ultimate celebration in Heaven, beginning with the return of Christ!


Scott Risley
Revelation 19:1-20:6

In the final days, the Church will finally be wed to Christ and there will be a wedding feast to celebrate. Jesus will return powerfully as a king; in stark contrast to his first coming. There will be an end to injustice once and for all as the Beast and the False Prophet are thrown into the fiery lake along with Satan. Jesus will then reign for a thousand years.

Demonstrating the Reality of Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:3-5

In Paul's prayer for the Colossians, he thanks God for many things that they are doing well. According to the Bible, a healthy church will prioritize the values of faith, hope, and love

The Gospel & Love

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 1:2-9

The church in Colossae, started by Epaphras, was infiltrated by false teachers. The apostle Paul wrote to combat these false teachings and strengthen the faith of the believers there. The apostle encourages the believers on the love they have shown because of the hope laid up for them in heaven through the gospel. All believers are called to be heralds of this gospel because it teaches and motivates us to love. This transformation towards love is possible because Christ has really loved us and guaranteed our eternal life, therefore we no longer have to look out for ourselves and can choose to give love freely in the knowledge that we are secure for eternity.

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 3:17-19

The interior of the New Jerusalem contains a garden which symbolizes its restorative power. In the Garden of Eden, man first experienced theological, psychological, and ecological separation. This restoration with God, ourselves, and nature is provided only through Jesus' sacrificial death. Those who have received this gift should then tell others.

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 21:9-27

This passage on the New Jerusalem is mainly symbolic, but indicate literal truths about its glory. It will be populated by God's people, full of the beauty of perfect creation, full of human creativity, utterly secure, and pervaded by God's presence. Christians who focus on their inheritance in this kingdom will have greater resilience in adversity.


Jenny Hale
Revelation 22

Building off of John's description of the New Jerusalem, this passage describes the incredible future that awaits Christians in Heaven. Among the qualities listed are no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain; no more evil; and God's presence forever! This knowledge of eternity should affect Christians by encouraging them to want to see more people there with them. It also allows Christians to know that their suffering is temporary.

I Will Make Everything New

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 21:1-6

Expanding on John's vision of the New Jerusalem, this passage and other verses referenced explain many other things that God will make new. These apply to Christians and include a new standing before God, a new relationship with Him, a new role and purpose, a new community and destiny, and a new power. This is something to anticipate and be excited about, and it is open to anyone who hears this message and responds.